Absurdly hot sex because of a strange compliment my ex [F] hadn’t even planned to tell me [M]

(Warning: very long story. For those who want to skip the background and/or lead-up, medium-sexy stuff starts at / / / / /, actual sex starts at +++++. Honestly though, the story’s a lot more fun in context.)

Of all the people I’ve dated, Kelly was decidedly the strangest. This absolutely brilliant, blonde scientist who embodied “slim thicc” was sweet and demure in public, usually dressed in jeans and a cute sweater in cooler weather and a sundress in warmer months. Very much your wholesome girl next door vibe, but that was decidedly inaccurate behind closed doors. Or beyond them in this one case, I suppose. When I introduced her to friends they’d always comment about how wholesome and gentle she was, and they weren’t wrong. It was just a very incomplete story.

In private, I’ve only known a tiny number of people kinkier – and even then only because my best friend is super into that scene and I’ve met some of their friends. 😂 I’ve certainly never dated anyone else on Kelly’s level. In retrospect some of it was so far outside my comfort zone that a couple occasions are memories I try to block out, but it was always consensual even if there was occasionally more pressure placed on me to acquiesce than there ought to have been. But most of it was fun, or at least benign albeit strange – like wanting me to call her “kitten” while we were having sex.

“Breeding” my old high school ex-girlfriend in her childhood bedroom during spring break from college [MF]

[To be abundantly clear, all descriptions of anything sexual happened when both of us were over 18. The parts where we were younger are just backstory, and nothing inappropriate will be mentioned from that timeframe. For those who don’t like backstory (which is fair), everything after is what happened in college, after = = = = is when things get sexual, and after + + + + is when actual sex begins. I trimmed some stuff, but this is my story with the most background and I hope that background is enjoyable to read even if you’re normally just here on /r/gonewildstories for the sex scenes.]

I grew up Protestant, and church and stuff like that were a big part of my childhood. So when teenaged me suddenly found himself with a girlfriend, all that pubescent testosterone was *a problem* given how repressive my family was while I was still living at home. I’m not really even kidding with the phrasing “suddenly found himself”. The situation I described in [a past story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/s90awm/the_time_i_m_was_basically_selected_by_an/) was definitely not the first such case of a woman basically saying “mine” and then me basically being in a relationship before I realized it. Apparently genuinely caring about people while simultaneously being completely fucking oblivious to romantic advances is appealing to some people. The former I get, as that’s a key feature of the women I find attractive, but I couldn’t possibly explain why people find the latter cute.

When she asked me to be her first time [MF]

(My writing is always long, so I’ve used +++++ to denote where sexy stuff starts, and ======== to denote where sex itself starts. It’s a cute story though, so hopefully the context adds to it.)

A few years ago, in the months between the relationships mentioned in my last two stories, I felt kind of unreasonably lonely. I had a solid group of friends, but the folks in the department where I was doing my masters weren’t that sociable and most of my friends from other departments were in serious relationships. I’m too extroverted for a cozy party every other week to be sufficient, so I basically became that guy who uses multiple dating apps. I think my experience there was kind of unusual, because the main reason I was using four of them (Coffee Meets Bagel > Hinge > Bumble >>> Tinder, if anyone looking for an actual relationship wanted suggestions along those lines) was just that it was hard to find people weren’t either ego swiping or trying to evaluate people for hookups. To be clear, I’m not using the latter to describe people who swiped left on me. Everyone’s got their own tastes, and that’s completely fair! Rather, it’s the people who swipe, expect you to carry everything, and go silent if you aren’t being the most entertaining person in their DMs at a given time. Really not a fan of having my time completely wasted, even if it’s only 20 minutes per ego match.

[MF] The time I (M24) came within an inch of fucking up my entire life, just because of how horny I was

Apologies in advance for how long this got. There’s a good amount of context needed to explain the situation, but hopefully the writing is decent enough that it’s a fun read.

This story starts years ago when I was in college. I had gotten out of a pretty bad relationship a few months prior, and didn’t really have dating on my mind. At a party, a friend and I were cracking jokes back and forth, just riffing off each others’ humor in a way I’ve only been able to do with a couple people over the years. Some folks were a bit exasperated, but this one woman I hadn’t met before was getting into it with us. I’d seen her around campus before, and definitely knew she was pretty, but as she joined in with our jokes and stupid references I realized, “Oh shit, if she’s single I should ask her out.” I walked away to get something to drink, planning on coming straight back and asking for her number, but when I did it turned out she’d just left the party with her roommate. At that point I knew her first name, and that was it, so I kind of figured it was over.