My friends only come over because of my mom.

Growing up with an overly attractive mother is both a curse and a blessing. It was during middle school I came to the realization that all my friends obsess over my mom because she’s ‘hot’.
I always knew my mother was a pretty woman, but being the friend with the hot mom eventually started to piss me off, and I would blow up whenever my friends brought it up.
My friends no longer talked about my mother around me, but my house still remained the ‘hang out place’. Funny how that works but whatever.
Now it wasn’t until my junior year that I began to realize that maybe some things I consider normal isn’t so normal. For example, growing up in my moms house it wasn’t uncommon for her to cook topless. In fact mom being topless was a normal part of her at home wardrobe. Whenever I have friends over I would always make sure she was aware, but as I got older I realized she would attempt to act oblivious to company. I can’t count how many times I’ve saved her from my friends potentially seeing her.