[M]y girlfriend and I got caught having sex in our [f]riend’s bed

True story from many years ago, so apologies if it isn’t as well written as others on here.

I had just graduated college but my girlfriend was three years younger than I so she was still in school, that combined with the fact that many of my friends did the 5 year plan and were still there meant I visited every few weekends. My girlfriend (we’ll call her Kristen) lived in the dorms still, but since it was a “religious” school dorms were not coed and members of the opposite sex could not stay overnight. That meant whenever I visited my gf and I would crash at a friend’s place off campus.

This particular weekend was pretty typical, we got wasted each night and crashed on an air mattress set up in the living room at our friend’s one bedroom apartment (we’ll call her Allison). Sunday afternoon the three of us are just hanging out at the apartment, trying to get rid of our hangovers and reminiscing about the night before, when Allison says she has to work on a project for school. She was an art major and had all her stuff in her living room, so she tells us we can go in her room and watch a movie if we don’t want to be bothered.

Sucking on [m]y best [f]riend’s tits

First time posting and it is a true story, so apologies if it isn’t written out the best.

The summer after freshman year of college my group of friends from high school decided to rent some cabins at the lake, have a non-stop party for a few days. Since we were all broke we rented to cheapest cabins which we could find, and while they weren’t nice they were clean and air conditioned. There were around 25 of us split between four cabins, though people had to share beds.

Literally all we did the entire time was drink our asses off, hanging out on the dock during the day and cabins in the evenings. After three straight days of this I was trying hard to Party the last night but it just wasn’t happening. Most of my friends were still going strong but I couldn’t keep up. I realized my friend Jane (not her real name) felt the same way, so we decided to head to one of the cabins where no one was partying and watch a movie. The only vcr (it wasn’t that long ago but like I said, this place was cheap) was in a bedroom so that’s where we headed.