Helping out a friend [MFF]

The first few months dating Felicia were awesome. She’s insatiable, so we fucked almost daily. And she’s not exactly shy, so she got a bit noisy. I love a loud girl, so this was great, but there was always a worry that her roommates could hear us. Her first roommate, Becca, lived in the room across the way, so she didn’t share a wall and would only hear us if we were having fun in the living room or something (which we saved for days that the roommates were out of town), and Becca was often off staying at her boyfriend’s place anyway. Her second roommate, Ana, was the more likely to hear – she shared a wall and she was single so often at home.

I figured something was up when Ana started to giggle every time she saw me. It was the kind of giggle that showed she didn’t mind, and her flirty comments as we passed in the hall made me figure she knew. Of course she’d already seen me naked, so I just chalked this up as trying to avoid an awkward situation.

Meeting Felicia [MF]

I went to the party my friends were throwing the first week of college figuring that I’d hang out, have a few beers and leave. Maybe jerk off when I got home if I met some cute women that I couldn’t figure out how to talk to. But I hadn’t counted on meeting Felicia.

She was sitting on the couch, and didn’t seem too interested in the dancing and karaoke that was going on. I sat next to her, and figured she was cute so kept glancing over at her. Finally we started talking and seemed to be pretty friendly. Just didn’t know how friendly she would end up being.

Some terrible song came on and she asked if I wanted to find somewhere else to talk. I definitely did, so we separately made our exits and ended up outside. It was a nice out, so we decided to go for a walk and talk. The early conversation just proved how similar we were (same favorite band, our idea of a perfect first date, even our major was going to be the same). Eventually she steered the topic to sex, and I learned that this beautiful woman was a bit kinky (though I wouldn’t learn it all until years later ;) ). She’d been leading the way and we ended up near some off campus housing, and she said “This is my place.” I figured that was the end of the night and went to say goodbye before she stopped me and said “Come hang out a little longer?” How could I resist?