Post-Shower sex with (now)wife [MF]

No means yes

This happened about a year before me(29) and my wife(30) were married, about 4 years ago. I’ve known she was the one for a long time, but the bedroom has been…boring. This moment we have both tried to recreate since. It’s been good, but hasn’t quite lived up to the first time…

We shower often together on our days off, and sometimes it leads to sex, sometimes it doesn’t. That’s totally fine. I’m not one to force it but definitely one to push.

This particular day she knew it’d been a few days since we had sex last, and she didn’t seem to mind. I’m poking her in the bellybutton with my hard-on while we are in the shower and she was unresponsive. Playful as always, don’t get me wrong, but not interested in taking it further.

We got out of the shower and sat for awhile before we dried off completely. This 2-3-minute window is where I sensed that maybe she might be down for a little bit more. My intentions became more pointed and she coolly played me off as if I was just some random hornyboi.