Making peace with my daughter’s boyfriend – update 32 [F]

In the last few weeks, I have stayed true to my decision of not taking it any further with my daughter’s boyfriend.

I have also tried to find other avenues to express my kinks, and that is what I wanted to confess about today. However, looking at all the DMs with similar questions, I feel like I can write about my recent adventures while answering your questions as well. Here it goes.

How is it going with your daughter’s boyfriend? Pretty good. I had ‘the talk’ with him, and he has been respectful of my decision. That is not to say that he has not been mischievous. He still steals those glances, still tests my control by sitting too close and letting his hand linger on my shoulder for no good reason, but from what I can tell, he is not doing this with an intent to test me, but as a prank, a situational joke. He still appreciates when I dress well, but does not stare in a suggestive way. I guess he stares in a way that women look at other women in appreciation of their efforts to look good. I am not sure how to describe the chemistry we have now, but it is somewhere between healthy and unhealthy, between fun and formal, and between risky and harmless. So, in short, the tables have turned. Rather than me teasing him, he is now teasing me.

[F] Flirting with my daughter’s boyfriend – update 30

A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks and I have been waiting for the right moment to post about it all. But there has been no right moment, so here are the major updates.

Since the last time that I posted, I have been extremely horny with anticipation and I think it shows in my behavior around him. The first time that he visited after that night when he almost made a move on me, I was possibly the horniest I’ve ever been. So, sleeping was out of question. I was awake in the middle of the night, knowing that he will either text or knock on my door. And he did. I sprang from the bed to open the door. I thought he’d wait for me to say something, but he slid in and softly closed the door behind him. I was breathing heavily. I was in a shirt and shorts, not too attractive but not very shabby either. He placed his hand on my neck, and without grabbing it, kept pushing me back till I reached the bed, and then said “Is this spontaneous enough?”. He pushed me on the bed and got on top of me. He held my face and pushed it up and kissed and licked my neck, which sent shivers down my spine. I was too stunned to react but I was enjoying it all. He then started making out with me, his hands were roaming on my thighs, boobs, waist, and butt. He was wild. And I was enjoying every moment.

[F] Flirting with my daughter’s boyfriend – update 29

Since so many of you hinted at the possibility that the recent bold moves by my daughter’s boyfriend could be motivated by him wanting to get back at her for cheating on him, I was more careful last week about the ways in which I responded to his advances. Quite a few things happened but the gist of it all is that while I don’t think his recent actions have been motivated by what she did, they were still affected by it. Let me explain.

After what happened last time, he has been very naughty around the house. Whenever he is walking past me, he lets his hand brush my back or butt. But, I was still uncertain about how I wanted to proceed, especially because I did not know his motivations. I wanted to have a conversation with him first, before letting anything happen. It was difficult to find a good time for this conversation though, because I have been really busy lately.

[F] Flirting with my daughter’s boyfriend – update 28

It almost happened. Almost.

On Sunday, I was hanging out in peace by myself in the living room, watching some sitcoms, when I received a text from my daughter’s boyfriend. He asked me what I was up to, and if I’d like to hang out with him. I know my daughter was out with her friends, so I had assumed that he was with her too, since their social circle is the same. I asked him “aren’t you with __?” and he told me that she’s in an all-girls outing, and as much as he wants to join them, he can’t. That made me laugh and so when he asked me again if I’d like to spend some time with him, I replied that I was not in the mood to go out but that I would not mind him coming over. He replied “even better” and I quickly changed into shorter shorts.

[F] Update 23 and another date

Last week when my daughter’s boyfriend said that he is friends with one of the guys I have been talking to on Tinder, I was almost sure that he was bluffing. How wrong I was!

I have only myself to blame though. I knew the risks associated with my generosity in the number of right swipes in the age range that I was targeting. So anyway, when my daughter’s boyfriend started giving me legitimate hints that he actually is friends with one of my right swipes, I asked him to prove it. This is because I was getting increasingly unsure about how I should behave in case he wasn’t bluffing. Every time the texts on Tinder got steamy, a thought would cross my mind wondering if the guy I am chatting with is ‘the’ guy. I couldn’t freely text. Or sext.

Flirting with my [F] daughter’s boyfriend – update 22

A few things happened this week, but I was too busy to update about them. So here they are, all at once: I now have a snapstreak with my daughter’s boyfriend, I’m burdened with a secret that I don’t want to keep, and dates are fun.

Like last time, this again begins with social media. I saw my daughter’s boyfriend’s story about how their snapstreak hit 100. Apparently, in their circle, it’s a milestone. I must say it made me happy for them. I replied saying “Congratulations on tolerating each other for so long”. It was late in the night when I did this. He soon replied “We both make up for it ;)”, which, apart from making me reply “OMG stop”, made me excited. He suggested that I should add him too, and at 1AM, that sounded like a terrific idea. I simply sent him a picture of the living room, in hopes of making me remember the good old times. He sent a selfie with a funny filter. He told me that I’ll have to send a snap every day around the same time, and that being 1AM, the picture that I sent a couple of days later was in my night shorts and tee – again, good times. The one sent next day was in a shirt with a hint of cleavage.