[M]assaging my best [F]riend

I’ve known Veronica since sophomore year of high school. We became close friends and hung out during the summers. I had a massive crush on her, but she never felt the same way towards me. It was very hard, but we still had a good friendship. She moved away for college and career, but we stayed in touch.

Fast forward 5 years. I am living away from my hometown, so is she, but she mentions that she will be moving back. And wouldn’t you know it, I was on the way! So of course I offer her an opportunity to stay with me while she is passing through. I didn’t think anything of it, but little did I know…

She arrived early afternoon, and we went out for dinner. Gave us a chance to catch up a little, so teasing here and there, but no flirting. After dinner, we go back to my place and continue hanging out, watching TV, etc. At this point, she offers me some weed. I decline, but I let her smoke under the agreement that she would help clean up afterwards.

[M]y best [F]irst date ever [long]

This was during my time in college, so it has been a while, but I still remember this quite well. A little background: Anne and I became friends our second to last semester. She was cute, but had a boyfriend, so I never really tried to flirt or anything like that. One day when we were checking out our midterm grades (same course), we decide to have lunch, where she confessed that she really liked me and that things weren’t going to well with her boyfriend. I comforted her as best as I could without crossing boundaries. We started talking more, texting, flirting, etc. It was hard not to ask her out, but she needed to take care of things on her end.

Eventually, I broke down and asked her to go to the movies with me after finals. She agreed and the day before, she breaks up with her boyfriend. The day of, I meet her on campus with a huge smile on my face. We hug and go to the movie theater.

Sexy stuff starts here ********

[MF] Cute girl on the plane

So, this is’t my wildest story, but one of my most recent ones (and partially incomplete).

I was flying home to see my parents. Typically, I end up sitting next to men or people who never talk (I am not much of a talker either), but this time, I ended up sitting next to someone cute. Even better, she introduced herself to me and we started talking. Turns out she was flying to Europe for a 3 week backpacking trip. This was a good starting point, and we talked about our previous experiences, crazy travel stories, music, etc. Without noticing it, my hand ended up in hers and I was caressing it.

Unfortunately, the plane ride was short and I didn’t press my luck. I did want to rub her thigh, however, never did get a chance. Once we got off the plane, we walked and talked together and I helped her get in the city (she was staying there temporarily). We hugged, and I kissed her on the cheek (god how I wanted her right then!). That weekend, we texted each other intermittently, but never did meet up. After she left for Europe, we lost contact. I still fantasize about the what if.