My first hookup ever. Cancun pt. 1 [MF]


I was 18 at the time and had just graduated high school. Up to that point I had only slept with my high school girlfriend, but we had broken up a few months prior. Just a few days after returning from a Hawaii vacation that I got as a graduation gift, my family took its annual trip to a resort in Cancun this time. I really shouldn’t have spent so much of my graduation money in Hawaii, because in Mexico I was of age and could have had way more fun at the clubs. My family prefers the convenience of filling up our hotel suite’s kitchen at the start of any trip. Knowing I would be stuck at the resort, I made sure to stock up on beer for myself when we were at the store.

**Lead up**

It was my second night in Cancun and I had so far only spent time with my family. I was college aged now, and legal to drink. With college around the corner, I wanted to do what I thought always happened in places like this to people my age: get drunk and hook up. I had always been shy around girls and extremely insecure, which most people wouldn’t expect because I was known for being outgoing and flirty. Knowing I wouldn’t have a problem making friends I filled my backpack with my first legally purchased beers and let my family know not to wait up for me.