No Touchy [M/F][30s][Poem / pointless / vanilla][long distance][F-solo]

I want my tits to touch the inside of your hoodie

I want to cum on your side of the bed

If I do nothing but imagine

Imagine you inside me in some way or another

Imagine your kind eyes

Or sweet voice

If I do nothing but imagine


My mouth starts to open accidentally

I suck my tongue, pretending

“Moan for me” in that make-me-wet voice




Kind commandments calming

Overactive anxious unfamiliar thoughts

If I do nothing but imagine

Your name still slips out

In gasps and whines

Untitled Poem [M/F][Mid-30s][vanilla, humour, long distance, imagination]

Did you feel my foot
Rubbing on you, last night?
Zero one sixteen
Oh when, six ten
If you uh. Know what I mean

I was laid back flat
Right-legged-bent-flat-foot to left knee
And I felt (swore I felt) flet your lips nibbling me

Grabbed my phone, stared at your name
Wet anticipation, hoping you’d do the same

Actually lifted my head, pretended to see
What I felt (really felt) your beard, and lips on such sensitive parts of me

And my foot, if you had been
Quite exactly
In that way
On top of me
My foot went numb.

My foot went numb and my foot would have been
Where your rib cage could have been

So, My Darling,
Man with features I’m respectfully addicted too…

Did you feel it?

When my foot, fully numb
Traveled precisely to
Perfectly perfect places on you
I once shyed away from

Alone [MF, vanilla]

Every night is exactly the same. You grab my hand and race with me up the stairs. I laugh and smile and fall into you.

You kiss up and down my neck. You say the sweetest things with double meanings while you run your fingers along the bottom of my shirt. Your hands deftly pull it up and over my head without interrupting your kisses for more than a fraction of a second.

And then, your fingers running back down my sides, your lips moving across my collar bone to my shoulder to my arm. You lick my tattoo and I laugh all the more.

I plead with you to end your teasing, wrapping my hands around yours and dragging you to the bed, kicking off my pants as I go. I sit down and hurriedly undo your belt, looping my fingers into your waist band and pulling down.

You always amaze me. Every part of you. Every new thing, every familiar thing, every surprising thing, every same thing. I can’t help but admire you, the person I know you to be. And I look up to meet your eyes and I’m lost, instantly lost.

I want to feel [F, vanilla]

It’s hard to write the things I enjoy writing when I feel disconnected. Maybe that is a good thing. Maybe I should do that more often – disconnect. Write to something that doesn’t exist, to someone that doesn’t exist. So what would I write? What do I want to just… feel?


I want to feel good on my own.

I want to turn the music up in the kitchen and dance while baking. I want to feel my skin buzz and my head go blank. I want to wear comfy socks without the anti-skid bullshit so I can skate around the title floor. I want to practice camel and scratch spins. I want to focus on the kick drum and pretend my right foot knows what its doing. I want to skip the lyrics so I can’t tell when one song ends and the next starts. I want to lose time without having to apologize.

Anticipation: The Bar [MF, Vanilla]

*Oh gods, he’s perfect.* Dressed in an impeccably tailored, dark gray suit, he walked with one hand in his pants pocket, the other swaying idly by his side. He scanned the lobby and hotel bar as he walked, not showing a hit of anything other than pure confidence. How did he always seem so relaxed and controlled at the same time?

I noticed his silky, emerald tie the same moment he noticed my twisted body sat on the wingback stool. He didn’t look away, he didn’t nod his head. He just walked up to the bar and placed his hand on the small of my back, looking at the bottles on the wall and ignoring my clearly enamored eyes.

He motioned towards a different barkeep than the one who had been poorly keeping me company. And they walked over quickly, while polishing what looked like a hand blown martini glass.

“Japanese Single Malt, if you have any, two fingers.” The barkeep responded with a few choices. He didn’t hem or haw or ask for suggestions. He simply named the label and continued with his order.

Unwanted [MF, Vanilla]

The sheer curtain doesn’t hide the morning very well. It seeps in through all angles, diffused, but present. I sit up and check the time. Six-eighteen. Another entire night of tossing and turning, gone. My sleep-mate rolls over towards me, stretching out her paw as if to tell me to keep trying, just lie down and see if sleep will finally find you.

I rub that spot on the bottom of her ears that she always seems to lean into and quietly tell her good morning.

“Hello, sweet girl. You hogged the beg again.” Her eyes are barely open and she sighs, loudly. “You’re terrible, honestly, just the worst.” I smile down at her as she seems to fall asleep again, almost instantly.

Across from me, in a bedroom entirely too large, is another bed. But the occupant is still lightly snoring and he is less friendly when woken from slumber than my current cuddle buddy. The internal debate begins: should I try? Should I slide into his bed, snake my arm around his, and see if he’ll have me? Is failing worse than wondering?