Author of “My best friends brother” series, I have a question. [M]

Hey everyone, as some of you may know I’ve been writing a series on this sub that has garnered just a bit of attention. The feedback has been so positive and I’m truly excited to see where this goes. I wanted to ask, do you guys know any other sub that I should post this series on so it can reach more people? Thank for all the support btw❤️

My best friends brother… Pt3 Not a coincidence? [MM]

My best friends brother… Pt3

I woke up later that morning and rolled over… he wasn’t there anymore. I sat up rubbing my throbbing head. I slowly stepped out of bed, afraid my light headed-ness would cause me to collapse to the floor. I heard the keys jiggle in the door before it opened. It was Drew with a bag of Dunkin Doughnuts and 2 Iced coffees.

Drew: I figured you’d need something when you got up. Haha you ok bud?

Me: Yea… I have a little head ache but I’m fine.

Drew: Oh I got something for that too.

He went into his pocket and threw a small packet into my open hands. It was a Tylenol.

Me: Thanks.

Drew: You got any plans today?

Me: Um, not that I can think of.

Drew: Good, you can come with me then.

Me: And where’s that?

Drew: Well I have practice in a hour and then maybe we can get something to eat at this arcade place I know. They got some fun games there too.

My best friends brother… Pt2 The Party [MM]

(I’m gonna try to pick up the pace of the story but I don’t want to jeopardize the integrity of it. This isn’t just a hookup story, it’s a full narrative)

Me: Wait… what? Your my rooma-

Drew: Hahaha waittt this is kinda cool.

Me: You knew didn’t you?

Drew: No. this is just as much of a surprise to me as it is for you.

He laughed as he started to lay down on his bed

Drew: What? You don’t want me?

Hearing those words I almost choked

Me: Huh?

Drew: To be your roomie?

Me: Ohh no- wait- I mean yea… I’m just a little shocked at this coincidence.

Drew: Well this is great so just relax, we’ll have fun this year.

We talked a little that night and fell asleep. The next morning I began my classes and everything went on normally. In about 2 weeks I started to get into the groove of college life and Drew really helped me. One night I was studying when he came into the dorm. He took his shirt off which wasn’t out of the usual, then he went into the bathroom and I head the shower begin to run. About 10 minutes later he came out in just his towel. His tan, toned body glistened as he walked to closet to find something to wear.

My best friends brother… Pt1 [MM]

Hey guys so I fully plan on making this a series as I document the intense events that took place. I’ll provide a little black ground and description of the people involved so you can get a good visual. Everyone will have their names changed for privacy purposes☺️ I’m Tyler by the way. My best friend Ryan and I had been friends since 3rd grade. We had gone through middle school and high school together and being friends for so long had almost blended our families. I had a little sister 3 years younger than me Named Emma And Ryan had 2 younger sisters a brother just shy of 2 years older named Andrew.

I’m 5,11 with peanut butter skin and dark curly hair that stopped just below my shoulder. I have a nice smile which I cherish and light brown eyes. I’m in good shape as well since I run track.
Ryan, Was about 5,10, fairer skinned with short dark hair and blue eyes. He was also quite fit as he was a swimmer.
Andrew, 6,1 had short dark hair tapered on the sides. His skin was a tanned from so much time spent on the field as he was a baseball player. His muscular build was almost god like, broad shoulders, washboard abs and chiseled features to match all paired with piercing grey eyes.