[30F] I want to tell you a true story from New Year’s Eve, a few months ago

What I’m about to tell you is a true story, about something that I actually did on New Years Eve, that I pretty much cannot believe I did, and it’s still all so surreal. But it’s a fun story, I’m actually kinda proud of it, and I thought, why not share and chat to some folks about it? So that’s what I’m going to do!

Most of the story, or at least the build-up, doesn’t actually involve me, but I thought I’d tell it all anyway, because it sets the stage for what eventually happened. Don’t have time to read or get your head around stuff? Well, that’s a shame, because you’re going to need to here. So let’s get started.

I’m a woman, in my late 20s, and I consider myself, well, pretty normal. I’m not some wild party-girl. I’ve never known anyone who is. I have a professional career, and all the friends I’ve ever made are normal, intelligent people with professional careers. I’ve been privileged in my life, never really struggled, and I’ve had the freedom to be whoever I want to be. Just a note: one of the things I happen to be is bisexual, with much more of a preference for women.