An Unexpected Blowjob from a Friend [MF]

This happened last year before the world shut down. I am a mid-50’s married man and keeps (kept?) myself in good shape. “Kelly” is in her late 40’s, long dark hair, curvy and is an instructor at a beauty school. She also has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. We often go on vacations together with our spouses and some other friends, including topless resorts, but nothing has ever happened except for some definite sexual tension between us.

The Lead-Up: As I am a hairy guy, she offered to wax my back before beach trips and I happily accepted. The offer later turned to her offering to wax my hairy ass cheeks and I accepted that, as it meant being nude in front of her. The waxing would happen a few times a year and it was dependent on her schedule as she was doing it at her house.