[MF][MFM] Sharing is Caring

*Reloading because apparently I fucked up the gender tags*

One night my senior year of college I just needed a drink. All of my drinking buddies including my best friend/ roommate were working late so it looked like I was on my own. I walked over to my favorite watering hole and grabbed a seat at the bar. As my first drink was pushed in front of me I took a look around the crowded bar and immediately spotted a PYT gazing over at me diverting her eyes once mine found hers. A bob haircut died cherry red, a white top with a skirt and pair of heels to match her hair. She was definitely what the kids these days are calling *thicc*. I smiled to myself and took a drink playing it cool and deciding to let her make the first move.

She was with a group of friends and we would periodically catch each other’s eyes and smile as the evening wore on until very suddenly the stool next to me was taken. I looked over and found what I wasn’t expecting; one of her friends. The friend introduced herself as Michelle and we started chatting. Michelle was married and her husband was with his friends at another bar so she decided to have a girls night.

[MMF] Sharing is Caring

One night my senior year of college I just needed a drink. All of my drinking buddies including my best friend/ roommate were working late so it looked like I was on my own. I walked over to my favorite watering hole and grabbed a seat at the bar. As my first drink was pushed in front of me I took a look around the crowded bar and immediately spotted a PYT gazing over at me diverting her eyes once mine found hers. A bob haircut died cherry red, a white top with a skirt and pair of heels to match her hair. She was definitely what the kids these days are calling *thicc*. I smiled to myself and took a drink playing it cool and deciding to let her make the first move.

She was with a group of friends and we would periodically catch each other’s eyes and smile as the evening wore on until very suddenly the stool next to me was taken. I looked over and found what I wasn’t expecting; one of her friends. The friend introduced herself as Michelle and we started chatting. Michelle was married and her husband was with his friends at another bar so she decided to have a girls night.

[MF] The Ex-Girlfriend

This story involves cheating from both parties.

The last girl I dated in the town I grew up in was a great girl but I was leaving and she wasn’t so it wasn’t meant to be. We talked sporadically after I’d left but she’d started dating a guy before I left town whom she ended up marrying and I wanted to keep my distance. I married a great woman and started a family in my new home.

Years later a received a Snap message from my ex, we’ll call her A, out of the blue. It was a selfie of her, nothing slutty, just a full-face selfie of herself with one of those filters on. She was gorgeous and reminded me of my attraction to her. She immediately apologized, explained it was for a friend who’s name was right above mine on her contact list (*right*), and told me to ignore it. I told her it wasn’t an issue and not to worry.

We started casually chatting and over the next few days it turned very flirty and then it evolved into full on sexting. It was exciting, dangerous, and fun but that’s all it was. Sexting.