The Squirting Roommate [mf] [squirting] [anal] [long]

I’m sitting in my dorm room which I share with a girl named Sophia and she is quite pretty and I have a crush on her and I have a feeling that she also has a crush on me. So I am sitting and doing my homework and she is just sitting on her bed watching some stupid movie and I get annoyed on the fact that I am always doing some kind of work and she’s free all the time. I ask her about this and we talk for a while and after, we both sigh and then she comes over to my desk and starts rubbing my shoulders and this is quite unusual as this never really happens, but I am not complaining to be honest. Then she asks me to come over to her bed to watch Netflix with her, I still have homework and I tell her I just have a little left and I will come after I am done. So I finish my homework as fast as I can, writing something I couldn’t remember I wrote the next day.