[MFM] How confessing kinks with a good friend lead to [M]e and another friend double-teaming her… (Part 2)

[Part 1 here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qtx0lj/fm_how_confessing_kinks_with_a_good_friend_lead/)

Trigger warnings – rough sex, degradation. If you are not into these things, please stop here.

Allie and I had successfully had our solo session together. We both enjoyed the sex and things didn’t get weird between us. Now it was my turn to fulfill my end of the bargain – a MFM threesome.

I contacted my friend Tim and told him about the situation. I often think of Tim as the white version of myself. He’s only a few centimeters shorter than I am, and the same kind of body build. Our cocks are even a similar size. He kind of looks like Ed Helms, but more filled out. Same hairstyle too, but Tim’s got the black/grey mix going on.

Tim was cautiously excited for the opportunity. We’ve done this long enough to know that a lot of women will say they’re interested, but change their minds once it starts to get a little too real. So we essentially expect nothing until it’s actually happening. I told Tim the possibility of her backing out was virtually nil, but he told me we’d see once the date and time came.

[FM] How confessing kinks with a good friend lead to [M]e aggressively face-fucking her… (Part 1)

Trigger warnings – rough sex, degradation. If you are not into these things, please stop here.

Some background – I am a tall, big black guy, American, living in Japan. A while back I was working a job where I’d go out in the evening to companies and teach English to some of the employees who’d signed up for classes. At one particular company the class was split into two – an A class and a B class. I was the teacher for the B class. The A class was taught by another American, a tall blonde girl also from the US. The best way to describe her would to say she looked a lot like Smallville’s Allison Mack. She could have claimed to have been her sister and you wouldn’t have doubted her. So let’s call her Allie.

[MF] I (M36) Went from teaching her (F23) English, to teaching her sex (Part 2)

A couple of months passed since my last “lesson” with Hina. I thought about her from time to time, but she was dating some other guy, not to mention our age gap and the fact that I used to be her teacher back when she was still a young teen. I decided I was lucky to have gotten her to blow me twice and swallow my load once, and move on keeping the hot memory. One day Hina messaged me out of the blue and we texted for a bit, which lead to a meetup. While there I asked about her and her new boyfriend and if our lessons were any help.

“Yeah, everything went okay I guess.” She said not sounding all that excited.

“Just okay?”

“We made out, got naked, I gave him a blowjob and I think he liked it. Then we had sex. It was a little painful and uncomfortable at first but I got used to it, and it wasn’t bad.”

“You still don’t sound that jazzed about the whole thing.”

“Yeah, I guess I was just expecting more. SEX! Everyone’s so crazy about it. But he put it in, in and out for a few minutes, and then he was done.”

[MF] I (M36) Went from teaching her (F23) English, to teaching her sex (Part 1)

Warning, lots of backstory. Skip to **–>** for the sex.

I’m a tall black guy, currently living in Japan. It’s not what I do now, but I originally came here as an English teacher. I worked in a high school in a Tokyo suburb. Some of the student girls developed silly crushes on me, some were obvious, some I didn’t realize until the end of the school term, when they either told me in a letter, or their friends ratted her out. I never liked young girls, and working with them I could see that they were basically still just kids, and of course it would have been a horrible ethics violations, so nothing ever went any further than that.

There was one girl, Hina, who I enjoyed talking with after school and between classes. I never got the vibe that she had a crush on me, but she was cool to talk to. She was down to earth and had a dry sense of humor. She wasn’t the cutesy giggly type at all, kinda a run of the mill, average girl, but not in a bad way.