Part 2: Sex and the Video Vamp

Sex and the video Vamp

Fred lets get this show on the road. Sounds like a Plan?

Fred turns and smiles at me. Fred very early on let me know he was Gay and a terrible flirt but don’t take it personally. I won’t.

Sure my…oh you mean the meeting.

Yes the meeting This is your store you call this to order.

I had only talked to Fred a few times at this point but he was everything he said but also very motivated manager wanting to get this store set up and running. As Soon as he came for the dinner meet and greet he had a notepad with quite a few pages with questions on it we need to work on.

Alright everyone let’s get this little meeting started. For those who don’t know my name is Fred and I am the General manager for this store. For the visiting Managers let me introduce my crew. I am Fred the GM This is Tim he runs Hard good Karen is the Footwear Manager Colin here is the clothing Manager and the love of my life Next we have John the Hunting Lodge, camping, and fishing Manager Next is Tim our Golf pro and finally Anna our front end manager and Assistant store Manager.

Part 4: Worshipping a goddess

Part 4 Worshipping a Goddess

Mike smiles down at Mina. When she invited him into her room this was the last thing he thought, but here he was slow dancing to 50 love songs while holding Mina.

Mike, thank you for dancing with me. I had meant to sleep with you tonight it turned out I only wanted to cuddle. You don’t mind, do you Mike?

Not at all this is fun. My parents use to dance like this when I was young and they were always so happy and I guess I enjoy it as much as they do.

But we both need to get sleep. I have to work and so do you. Unlike you my boss is not as nice man as Will.

Mina looks at Mike

I guess I should let you leave then.

Well I can sleep in bed with you with my jeans on and I could hold you till you fell asleep. Will told me once that the nicest gift you can have is to have someone trust you enough to fall asleep in your arms. But if you want I can go sleep in the staff break room, there are bunk beds there.

Part one: Beauty and the Marine

Beauty and the the Marine

A three week week paid Vacation for you Will and Stacey. Corporate will even pay for the room you will share. Sounds cozy?

Yea that how Amy described this store set up and opening a “cozy three week vacation Right. She also did not mention that I was going to be the lead on this one meaning The first week I will be coordinating schedules of employees with leader of the department manager and visiting manger for the marathon of truck deliveries. For 5 days and having one truck per hour every hour for 120 hours. Well At least Stacey could come out with me for the first week before the insanity comes.

We are staying at Compass Point Hotel, the same hotel and town that Kelley grew up in and her sister had her wedding reception at. I hope Mike is still there but probably not being it is November and the outdoor pool would be closed.

We pull into the hotel’s parking lot three hours later. Stacey woke up a hour ago and we ran threw a fast food place for a small snack to hold us over until we got here.

Spank you Very Much

Spank you very Much

I was so deeply asleep I did not even here the garage door open and close or the door from the garage to the house open and close. I didn’t even feel when the body climbed up on the bed and right behind Maddie. I feel the pressure of lips on mine and the smell of Vanilla.

Morning Kelley.

Morning Will.

Wait why is Kelley being in bed wrong? Next thing I hear is Maddie saying “WHAT!” and Maddie sort of jumps away from something and into me.

Mary Ellen are you okay?

Yes just startled.

I look up and there is Kelley sitting there with a finger in her mouth looking confused as Maddie lays back down and rolls to Kelley.

Will who is Mary Ellen.

I look to Maddie.

Sorry Maddie my sleep fogged brain forgot. Kelley, Mary Ellen is Maddie’s formal name. Now what did you do to Maddie?

Sorry I didn’t think she would be startled by a good morning back kiss.. I am sorry Maddie.

Fire at Night in the The Blue sky

Fire at Night in the The Blue sky

This report will not get done if I don’t focus, think about the problem later Will. Everyone knows that when you try to not think about a problem all your brain wants to do then it think about the Problem. What to do with Maddie…I just don’t know. Yes she is sexy as hell but I feel like Stacey and Kelley want to bring her into the family and I am not sure of my feelings. Yes it was only 3 days ago but.,… I let out a sigh and Christina pipes up

You know I am working here.

As she is processing last night defective items

Sorry for breathing, What is the problem?

No Problem….

Christina lowers her voice to a whisper

Will, your Ray’s friend right?


Has he mentioned anything about us?

Like what?

I…. Last week we were out and I suggest we go back to his place and make love and he said no.

You want to know why, right?

The Birthday Gift

The Birthday Gift
Wow what a wonderful birthday. I have not had so much fun on my birthday since….well ever. Long story not getting into. What to say it was the best and [reached down and touches his wrist] the very best but let me turn the way back machine to 7 am yesterday………”

[Walk out of the bedroom stretching] “You did not need to let me sleep in when the two of you got up.” [Stacey runs over and kisses me in her light blue satin camisole short set, yes the one she wore our first night in bed with each other, and a few seconds later Kelley leaves the pancakes and kisses me in her emerald green satin camisole short set she bought for her first over night stay after the first fight class. They both then hug me together and shout] “Happy Birthday, Will!” “Thank you both but someone better go watch the pan so nothing burns.” Kelley turns around and head for the pan to remove the last pancakes and to bring the stack over after turning the burner off] “No burning boobs either, tho I am available to kiss it and make it better.” [Stacey takes me by the hand and walks me to the table and everything I love for breakfast is there, dippy eggs, toasted English muffin and real butter, Pancakes, some ham and a birthday cupcake.] “Thank you both. I love you both so much.” [Kelley smiles and says] ‘There is more Will but you will have to wait.” [Kelley turns towards Stacey and both smile and give a little chuckle when they look at me.] “I thought last night was my present with my favorite camisoles and that whole rest…”

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Here Comes the Bride

Here Comes the Bride

[I walk into my apartment with a load of groceries and Stacey and Kelley are both on the couch reading a bridal magazine.] “Did I proposed to you two in my sleep?” [Kelley looks up and smiles] “Maybe. Just kidding my little sister had these left over from when she was looking for her wedding dress and we got interested.”

[I head to the kitchen to put the groceries away and start dinner.] “Who wants Shepard pie? Or would you like some beef tips and buttered noodles?”

[Stacey is on the couch still looking at the bridal Magazine and Kelley is washing the dinner dishes. I am at my desk doing some remote work for a private client of mine] “Will, do you think this would look good on me?” [Stacey sits up and turns the magazine towards me] “You realize you just asked a man about fashion, or do I need to remind you of the Sandal/sock debacle?” [I turn to look at the mag and realize I can not say that I would worshiper her as a Satin clad goddess in this dress.] “Yes you would be a beautiful bride in that. With your black hair and that white dress.” [I need a cold shower right now.] “Will, I think I would look great in the dress two pics to the left” [said Kelley…oh crap I need to import a water fall flowing melted snow water on my…I now have two goddesses in satin to worship] “Yes your eyes would pop in that.” [God forgive me but I am changing my religion to the worship of Kelley and Stacey in White satin bridal gowns]

The game of cat and mouse.

Just a warning, this is very dark but stay with it it ends well.

this is a request from u/SHamm3 and I hope they enjoy it as much as I enjoyed letting my darker side free.

[As Elena checked her make up she knew she had to be ready by 8:15 because Tony would be crossed. Elena wondered if Howard noticed or even cared she gone out with Tony 3 times this week. Tho I never gone out before at all. I just stayed home grading papers]

“Blush looks good, lipstick bright red as he likes it, and a smokey eye.” [This is the hardest part for Elena. She reached in for the panties and bra she had worn for her wedding day. Tony always liked to degrade Howard by making Elena wear them. Shouldn’t it be enough that Tony is going to fuck me, Howard’s wife tonight?]

[7:52, I better get down to meet Tony.] “Hey Howard I am leaving I am going out with the girls. I should be home by 2 am.” “Fine my lovely Elena. See you in the morning.” He is oblivious to his wife cheating on him, like I have a choice. Tony got the pics of me doing that Porno. Got to go.]

Lets play hide and see

“Will come back, come back. No don’t get on the plane come back I will try harder to love you. Stacey let go of me let go, he is leaving we need him”

“Kelley, Kelley wake up its a dream, just a dream” I called. Kelley’s eye open up with the fear of the dream and she looks back and rolls over and buries her face into my chest. Kelley just sobs letting her Dragon green eyes get redder from the prolonged crying.

“Hey its okay I will only be gone a month.” Yea but Mongolia is a long way off and you will not be near phone service much of the time so no calls like when you and Stacey help open a new store.”

I know but this job will give us the money we need to buy a proper house together instead of this apartment. I have never had so many cold shower but luckily you and Stacey keep me warm.” a low moan from behind me reminds me Stacey only just got back to sleep after being sick from the food poisoning. No more food from Won Dum Some for us.