The Pretty Manager returns the gift

The Pretty Manager returns the gift Part two

After working an 8 hour shift at the store knowing that Stacey pink satin pantys were drenched by my tongue made for a very distracted day but I had no F.U.’s.

Every time she walked past I swear I could smell that wet pussy and as she passed she was swaying her hips more than normal. This sweet and innocent young woman was making my day hard and wonderful by doing nothing but walking around and chatting with all the cashiers. But she never engaged me in any flirting or even conversation so I decided that she must have decided me and her on her desk that morning was a bad idea.

5 PM comes along and Amy walks me back with the one cashier who was also leaving. We got back to the cash office and no Stacey. Amy noticed my look and comment Stacey left about 30 minutes ago.

Oh well I guess I can live with being just friends and headed out to my car and headed home. I get home and walk into my quiet apartment building and get to my lonely apartment and unlock the door and walk in.


I take a sip of my Blanton’s gold bourbon. I love the warmth it brings to me. I look out to the dance floor and all the 20 year old girls and I just sigh. These silly kids with there boring parents. At 48 years old I just think If I did not own this place I would buy it and tear it down. I need the break from my game company so I bought this place as a retreat, a place for my Fantasy…more like my dread.
I look to the bar and look at all the men wearing socks and sandals, wives wearing moo moo’s, and barely 18 teens trying to get alcohol.
This place bores me, Maybe I should go to my suite and say my prayers and go to bed. I guess I won’t have many things for confessions tomorrow.
Up walks Luna to me.
Tom, do you want another Bourbon?
No Luna I think tonight….
I never finish the comment due to this incredible woman walks in and sits down. She is wearing her black curly tresses down flowing to her shoulders. The simple white sundress with beautiful red roses all over it contrast with her tan skin. The dress fills out nicely especially where this goddess large breast are filling it. I see her red lips and I just dream of kissing them.
Luna do me a favor take a bourbon over to the lady on the house. Hold Luna
As I ordering a man sits down beside the black haired beauty. Damn well might as well compliment him on his taste of Women.
Luna, take two bourbon over on the house.
I watch Luna head to the bar and Mike behind the bar pours two glasses of Blanton’s. Then Luna takes the the two stout wide glasses over to the couple. I can see the husband asking Luna where the drink come from. Luna Points over to me. The Man turns towards me and raises his glass but the lady kind of looks down. As her head goes down I can see a flash of gold and I see the necklace she is wearing. Look how it is hanging in her cleavage, My how I wish I was in that cleavage. Well now I have a confession for tomorrow.
Luna comes back over and whispers to me
The Gentleman says thanks and he wonders if he could come over to talk to you.
Just him Luna?
Luna nods. Oh well
Luna tell him to come over and when the lady needs it bring her a second bourbon.
Luna walks over and the guy gets up and Luna turns back to me and I point to my glass and put two fingers up and Luna smiles and nods.
The man stands there and I look up to him. He smiles at me and I wave him to the chair. I begin to speak,
Hi I am Tom and you will be?
He looks at me and I can see he wasn’t sure if he should tell me his name.
How about I just call you Karl, since I have the feeling you don’t want to tell me your actual name.
I smile at him and hold at my hand to shake his hand.
Well thank you Tom and Karl will work. I must thank you since this is probably the best Bourbon I have ever tasted.
I smile at Karl
Glad you enjoyed it. Does your Lady also enjoyed it?
Karl and My self turn towards the Lady and again she kind of lowers her head down.
Your Wife? She seems shy.
Karl smiles back and nods his head.
Yes she is shy around new people which is a shame since she is so beautiful. I wish she would listen to you tell her that since she doesn’t always believe me.
How about this, text her what I said and I will nod my head that I am being truthful.
Karl smiles and pulls his cell out and types a message
We watch as this lady looks at her cell and picks up just as Luna brings Karl and my self another round. I can see her get a blush on the cheeks and when she looks up I smile and nod holding her eyes just as Luna brings her a second glass of Bourbon.
Mine if I ask, what country is her family from, just in case there are any more as gorgeous as she is then I need to visit… what is your wife’s name? Wait let me find a name as Beautiful as she is. I know Minuet. Karl and Minuet.
I smile at Karl and I toast him.
You are a lucky man. Karl I hope you don’t mind but your wife is so sexy.
I notice the light from the DJ is flashing and brightening the area under tables. As I am watching Minuet I realize the light is shining right up her dress Illuminating that lovely bare pussy and I can see that its damp, mm mm yes Confession time.
So Karl how long you and Minuet been married?
35 years.
35years? She must been a teen when you married.
Karl looks at me and smiles. She looks young but she actually is in her 60’s. Filipino women always look younger than they are, and are sexy as hell. Once you get her in the mood she lets you know what she wants from you. She is a good Catholic women but she will tell you to fuck her ass or ask you to treat her like the slut.
Karl, I wish I had a woman like that. I would love to hear a woman tell me she wants me to fuck her.
Karl looks at me and smiles.
Well if you play your cards right it could be you she is saying it to…well one. My wife is a good woman but when I find her the right partner well she will let us both know what she wants us to do.
I turn to Karl with this new info.
Really? Have you had many threesomes?
Karl looks at me and shakes his head no.
My wife only wants the best. She tells me that she wants a man to Dance with her, whispers sweet things in her ear, and defiantly treating her like the lady she is well till she stops being Lady and tells you she wants to be fucked.
Oh,your wife sounds incredible. With as shy she it is no wonder she only lets the best men have a chance with her. I so wish I was that lucky Karl.
You could be if you just treat her the way you been talking about her. Would you like to meet her?
I smile at Karl
I would love to meet your beautiful wife…your Wife and now my Minuet.
Karl gets up and walks back to his wife and they starts talking and he says something and she looks at me and I smile and she doesn’t look away then she says something back and Karl’s smiles and he stands up and walks back.
Would you like us to come here..
No Karl let me come to her. She is a queen and I must come to her court and pay my respects.
I stand up and escort Karl Back to his wife. On My way I motion to Luna to bring another round. As soon as I get the table the idiot DJ starts playing some idiotic autotune song. Once Luna arrives I hand her a 50 dollar tip,
No more for me and
I pull another 50 dollar bill out
And pay the DJ to play something decent from the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. Some Moody Blues, Steely Dan, The Beatles, or Abba, you know, decent music.

Today I was caught by my Store manager on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.

Today I was caught by my Store manager on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.


I was working for a sporting good store as the head cashier and I had a wonderful manager named Stacey. She was 2 years younger than me with short black hair, I wonderful penchant for flowy skirts and sundress, a cute tight ass, Love of tight sweaters and Blouses, and had a fiance. I feel madly in love with her but because of her boyfriend the best I could hope for would be to become good friends.

Stacey was a little naive so I took great joy in teasing her and on occasions causing her to give one of her famous full body blush (even arms, legs, breast, and back).

Most of the cashier were female and of the 4 lead cashiers I was the only male so in the cash office the ladies thought of me as just one of the girls. For you guys who have never been in this situation it meant I got to hear all of the ladies darkest secrets, every fantasy, and everything they want the men in their lives to do. In the same vain I also lets some of my own desire free such as the fact I love women who like to wear satin and I loved the color of light blue.

Beauty is really the Beast. [Gender change] [Supernatural] [Forced]

Beauty is really the Beast.

For u/cosmiccortex3d


Mark is sitting in his apartment watching some Netflix on the couch. He has been horny as hell since he threw Kale out of the place earlier in the day before he got his hand up her red skirt. She was such a tease with the long black hair. Her Perky breast always pointing at you. Her tight ass was also just pushing the back of the skirt out in a way that was so delicious. Mark just loved her ass.

Mark just looks down and his cock was now fully erect and straining to get out of his gym shorts. Mark figures he better head to the bedroom before one of his roommates come home so he can stroke himself off.

As Mark gets up he see something gold partially under the throw rug. Mark reaches out and pull out one of Kale’s hoop ear ring. It must have come off one night when they were making out on the couch. The ear ring was nice but what Mark really wanted was Kale right now the little mean girl would not be up to taking care of his needs unless he apologize to her…. But Mark has the next best thing.

Categorized as Erotica

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

The Promise to the pretty Manger is full filled (5)

I knew she was there and awake. She was looking at me and I am sure smiling. “Are you going to look at me or maybe give me a kiss but be warned I have carpet breath.”

She chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose and I open my eyes. I look at her and asked “Been up long?” Her “Long enough.”Long enough for what?” I asked. “You will see.”

I reach out and stroke her face and smile “Yes I will see.” She sat up and I can smell the bacon frying and I am hungry. I roll over sit up, and stand up and head for the main room following her.

“Do I have enough time for a cold shower before breakfast?” I can see she is wearing one my t shirt with the oversized collar hole sliding down her should. It was very 80 chic.

“Nope you do not, you will have enough time to take a hot shower. I finished about an hour ago” Kept the shower brisk and went in and put on clean underwear and came to the kitchen table to have breakfast.

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

Well who is at my apartment at 5:35 pm Friday, Yep Stacey. She comes in and I have the table set with her favorite Chinese food including her favorite, Crab Ragoon.

I tell her to Go change into some casual clothing then it dinner time, then I need to introduce her to what is in my closet…the one in the bedroom with the lock.

Well she switched into a t shirt and some runner shorts and sits down and we just dig in taking time out to feed each other. Once done we walk back into the bedroom and Stacey sits on the bed and I unlock the closet and turn towards to her. This closet is my armory, It contains my weapons and armor I use to protect my self from the mundane world.

What was I thinking accepting my Managers gift (part3)

What was I thinking accepting My pretty Managers gift (Part 3)

The good thing about Unloading the truck all you need is muscle and you can tune out thinking… just not this time. All I can think is “I am the other Man” I just got Stacey to cheat with me” It did not matter she wanted to I Did F.U. yesterday.

I dragged my present skid out on to the sales floor to the Bike pad. As I get there My partner in crime was there. “Hey Willknotthe1st. Whats up? You look like someone kicked your puppy.”

I looked at Ray “Feels like it…and it was me who did it.” I lower the skid and unload the skid of packed bikes and pick up the Garbage and put it on the skid. “What did you do, Will?” Not much just slept with a woman in a relationship that isn’t with me.”

“Crap! Want to talk about it Will?” I just shake my head no. “I need to talk to her later to see what she wants to do. Maybe later I will need to talk.”

The Pretty Manager returns the gift.

The Pretty Manager returns the gift Part two

After working an 8 hour shift at the store knowing that Stacey pantys were drenched by my tongue made for a very distracted day but I had no F.U.’s.

Every time she walked past I swear I could smell that wet pussy and as she passed she was swaying her hips more than normal. This sweet and innocent young woman was making my day hard and wonderful by doing nothing but walking around and chatting with all the cashiers. She never engaged me in any flirting or even conversation so I decided that she must have decided me and her on her desk that morning was a bad idea.

5 PM comes along and Amy walks me back with the one cashier who was also leaving. Got back to the cash office and no Stacey. Amy noticed my look and comment Stacey left about 30 minutes ago.

Oh well I can live with being just friends and headed out to my car and headed home. I get home and walk into the apartment building and get to my apartment and unlock the door and walk in.

Today I was caught by my Store manger on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.

Today I was caught by my Store manger on my knees with my hands up my pretty Manager’s skirt.

This story is based off an actual experience which I posted here [TIFU I was caught by my store manger with my hands up my pretty managers’s skirt.](

What you are hopefully going to read is how I wished it went…tho three years later we did get together.

I was working for a sporting good store as the head cashier and I had a wonderful manager named Stacey. She was 2 years younger than me and had a fiance but we became good friends.

Stacey was a little naive so I took great joy in teasing her and on occasions causing her to give one of her famous full body blush (even arms, legs, breast, and back).

Most of the cashier were female and of the 4 head cashiers I was the only male so in the cash office the ladies thought of me as just one of the girls.

Part three: Innocent and Pure love

Innocent and Pure Love

I open the door and walk into the suite looking for Stacey

I’m home Stacey. Where are you.

In Bedroom.

I walk to the bedroom and turn the corner…oh my god its the panties that started all of this. Stacey turns to me wearing the matching bra to the panty.

What are you staring at Will?

You know what I am staring at.

No I don’t Will.

I stare at her with a smirk.

What is it Will?

Those are the infamous panties from the cash office. You forget, the ones that I pulled aside and nibble on your naughty bits.

Stacey gets a evil grin.

Yep and I will be wearing them all day for you to you take them off tonight. I think I better have some incentive to keep at least part of your attention on me and not get lost in the store opening.

I frown and smile at Stacey.

I was never going to tell you but Back during fight classes Kelley said that I more than once in the middle of night I called out looking for you in my sleep.