M4F Her Demonic Revenge part 2 (succubus seduction) (mastabatory behavior) (publicly exposed erections)

Danny screamed and fell backwards at the sudden apparition deteriorating into the rosy pink skinned succubus. He was sure he had to be dreaming, there was no way this was real. He only accepted that he was loosing his mind, after all the people at the library didn’t see her…it….this.

“Quit screaming, you’re giving me a headache!” the demon complained. “Why don’t you do something fun and pin me to this wall!” She said disappearing from the chair and reappearing naked and moaning against the wall, seemingly floating. She gyrated her hips and her little snatch even dripped like a faucet as she moaned and groped her own chest. “Take me Danny….right here….TAKE ME NOW!” she screamed. Danny cowered and covered his face. The apparition giggled in the ether around him. He uncovered his face but couldn’t place her anywhere in his home.

“What the fuck is happening to me…” He wined.
“You’re cursed, you lucky bastard.” the voice came at him again, answering him.
“Cursed? But why?! What did I do?” He shouted into the empty room.
“Maybe it’s more of whattya didn’t do.” She answered.

M/F Her Demonic Revenge Part 1 [Succubus] [Teasing] [Public Boners]

“I don’t understand what the big deal is Danny, you tell me that you love me and that you want to maybe get married but you don’t want to have sex?” Trish scoffed at him as he sat meekly wanting her to understand.
“I just, I just want to make sure that my wife is the only person I give this part of myself to. That’s all.” He tried to make her understand but it seemed like she just got more irate the more he explained.
“So, because I’m not a virgin, I’m some sort of whore? I just give myself to a bunch of people and now I’m tainted goods right?” Trisha growled at him.
“I-I didn’t say that, Trish, I have never cared about your past.” He tried to defend himself. He realized he wished they had gone out for coffee instead of staying at her place and watching a movie. She would have controlled herself in public more if she had gotten mad.
“I can’t say that I fucking CARE DANNY!” She screeched. “I WANT YOU TO GET OUT!” She ripped off her hoodie, Her bare tits bouncing as she did and threw it at him. “GET THE FUCK OUT, CHOIR BOY!”

M4F The Prettiest Girl [pet play] [petting] [humping] [cock warming]

I sighed heavily on the drive home. My third case in two years that looked like we might be losing. I would never make partner if I won four out of every five cases that came across my desk.

I loosened my tie and turned my Mercedes around the corner and drove through the gates of my neighborhood. My manicured lawn greeted me out of the corner of my eye. The colorful collage of flowers that my gardener orchestrates for me brightening my mood. I pulled into the drive way and see her in the window, jumping up and down. I smiled immediately. She was the best purchase I’d ever made.

I parked and turned off the engine, I exited the car and walked up my steps to the door. I could hear her on the other side pawing at the door. “It’s me, I’m home. I’m home!” I called out unlocking the door.

When I opened it, she pounced, covering me in kisses and licks. She jumped up on me, fell back on all fours and then circled me as she nuzzled up against me.

M/F Poison Ivy’s Itch [under the influence] [reverse rape] [femdom]

Barbra knew it was now or never, Ivy’s back was turned as she tried to flee from the basement. Giant plant mouths with barbed teeth snapped as Batgirl raced cross the concrete floor. Viney tentacles snapped after her.

“So close!” Ivy cooed and disappeared into a pink mist of spores released by a blossoming flower bigger than Barbra herself. “Yet sooooo faaar!” Her voice faded and trailed off. Barbra sneezed and coughed as she inhaled the spores. She fell to her knees and fumbled into her utility belt, retrieving a gas mask and quickly putting it on.

She blinked and by the time she was breathing easy again and could see straight, she was alone. “Drat!” She exclaimed snapping her fingers. “One day I’ll get you Pamela.” Barbra said to herself.

It had only been a few months since Barbra donned the cowl and started using her physical powers of persuasion to pummel the criminals of Gotham. But this was the third time Poison Ivy had escaped and Barbra was starting to feel beaten.

A short time later, she was gliding in the night air surveying the streets. She alighted on a nearby rooftop and observed a man cornering a woman. He looked like he had a switchblade.

A New Stimulant M/F [missionary] [hyperspermia] [unwanted orgasim] [drugs]

I had been working on fertility drugs for ten years. I thought I had a break through when I tested my new compounds on the rats at the lab. At first I couldn’t tell any difference in behavior but within minutes, the females began acting aggressively with the males. Humping, clawing, even biting. The males mated as much as they could but the females didn’t seem satisfied. I had to separate them for fear of her fucking him to death.

It appears as if I had created a legit arousal enhancer. By mistake of course. Pharmaceuticals had created a multitude of drugs over the decades with one intended purpose that were used for other means. Percocets were originally created to be a cough suppressant, now its used and abused with nary a chest congestion.

I quickly cleaned up my work station with this new knowledge and wrote my findings in my journal. It was the end of the day and I just wanted to go home. This was a break through in one field but just another failure for my own. One the drive home I sighed feeling like I was spinning my wheels.