The miracle every guy with female friends dreams about. Can you help me make it come true?

Like almost everyone else on the planet, I have a close group of friends, and like a lot of friend groups, ours formed in high school, and has remained together ever since. There are a mixture of girls and guys in the group, and while everything between all of us has always remained platonic over the years, in the mind of every guy in the group there is an unspoken truth, that we’d never say out loud to one another, but is almost assuredly the ultimate fantasy of every single one of us.

It’s pretty well known that in every group of friends, the guys will fantasize about the girls, no matter how platonic outward realities have always been. But that’s not the unspoken truth that I’m talking about.

The unspoken truth is the desperate longing for the miracle. What exactly the miracle is probably varies slightly between guys, but the principle of the miracle is the same: something happens to them, involving the female members of the group, so hot as to be totally impossible, and so hot as to be beyond comprehension.

The miracle, if it happened to them, would be impossible to truly handle, because it would be the hottest thing that’s ever happened to anybody.

[30F] I’m going to ask you to imagine something

Imagine this.

Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.

Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?

Now imagine there’s a fourth girl, who isn’t a part of the main group, but is very close friends with a few of you from the group, and very familiar with it. She occasionally joins you and hangs out as well. She and one of the main three girls in your group also have a best friend, a fifth girl, who also hangs out with you occasionally, but less commonly (she’s mainly friends with the two women separately). You know both of them very well.