How I fucked my boyfriends brother… & his best friend

To give some insight he was my first ever boyfriend, my first kiss as well. He was a shy blonde kid and I was too. We’d been dating for Max 4 months in middle school; he’d given me what I thought was a love letter on Valentine’s Day and I’d given him about a 100$ worth of gifts. I was thinking when everyone stared at us it was because we were a cute couple.. nope, he’d read this letter to everyone before giving it to me. It was a four page breakup letter, I was traumatized.

Fast forward to senior year 18[f] (me), I’d started maturing more but still hated him for what he had done. I was getting hit on more frequently by most of the guys in my small town, including my ex who’d humiliated me. So of course I flirted back to waste his time, until I saw his brother in quick add his brother was 26, he’d constantly be down from college hanging out with both my ex & and his best friend so I’d seen him. He’s physically the same as my ex but more mature and has about a foot on him.