Found my Husband’s 4chan Part III

I slid into the bed and under the comforter; snuggling up to John.  The time I spent in the bath got my clit throbbing and I needed to get off.  It has been a couple of months since I last had sex and I couldn’t handle it anymore.

I kissed John’s next as my slender fingers slid across his chest.  He grunted as I pushed my hips against his ass, still kissing his neck.  My nipples, erect, rubs against his back and my fingernails rake across his chest lightly.  

“John, I’m horny.”  I whisper quietly; letting my warm breath spread across his neck.  My tongue reaches out and grazes his neck as I move up to suck on his earlobe.

I feel a shiver through his body as he wakes to my voice and touches.  My hand travels down his pudgy stomach and rests on his hardening cock.  He turns to his back and I plant my lips on his; kissing him hard with lust.  My hand on his cock starts to move up and down, slowly jerking him, while my other hand runs through his hair.  He moans into my mouth and arches his hips slightly as I feel precum start to leak from his dick.  I can’t stand it anymore and climb on top of him, straddling his hips.  I let my hair fall around my face as I lean down to kiss him again.  Before I lower myself on him, I reach for the lube and squirt some on to his dick; reaching down I jerk him a few times to get the lube spread out.

Found my husband’s 4chan part II

It was three days ago when I stumbled onto my husband’s kinky porn site. Being busy with work and busy with our kids I have for the most part forgotten about 4chan and the gif I saw that night. It has been a long day running errands and helping with homework; I was relieved to have the night off and take some time to relax.

As I was crossing from the living room to the bathroom I passed our office door cracked open. I opened the door to tell John that I was going to take a bath then go to bed when I saw that he was on the computer. Our computer is situated to where a person’s back is to the door when they are on it so he didnt see me enter the room but I could see what he was browsing. On the browser was clips of women’s head bobbing up and down on thick black cocks and I briefly saw comments such as ‘cuck’, ‘fag’, and ‘beta Male’. I also saw my husband rubbing his bulge through his pants lightly.

Unsure of what I should do, I slowly backed down the hall towards the living room then started back towards the bathroom.

Found my husband’s 4chan

It’s been over two months since my husband and I had any type of sex. I cant really be mad at him though; hes tired, I’m tired, we’re both stressed. He works long hours and I work 60 hours a week myself.

It’s not like we havent tried, we’ve just been in the mood at separate times and couldnt muster up the energy when we werent. I work at a place with high turnover rate and a lot of sketchy people. I keep my head down for the most part and only have a few friends within work.

I know there has been a few guys that have tried to get with me but I’m just not interested. One day while minding my own business a coworker, Marcus, came up to me. He put a hand beside me as he leaned in to talk essentially trapping me between the wall and him. Marcus was close; too close. The heat from his breath warmed my neck as he talked and I swear I could feel his package pressing into me. He had a smell that is common amongst black people; repulsive and somewhat intoxicating.