Vivian Comes Back [m/f]

A few of you may remember this two-part story that I wrote a while back about the first time Vivian and I had sex, or a few more of you may have read this one that she wrote about her first girl-girl experience. Well, here’s a much later sequel that she’s been after me to write for months—hope you all enjoy!

To recap, Viv and I met over the summer in China, and we had discovered we had incredible sex. She left to head back to her final year of college in California, and I stayed in China to finish my last year of grad school. It was all going to just end and be one of those summer flings you reminisce about, until her last day, a few hours before she left for the airport. She looked up at me, took a couple deep breaths, and squeaked out “I love you.” I responded in kind, but I was floored, and about two weeks later had a mini-crisis about things and broke up with her—no surprise, given my last relationship and what I had expected from this one. Of course, this wasn’t the response she wanted from the first guy she’d ever said those words to, and she in turn had her own miniature crisis, of which I was not really a part. After a few weeks of back-and-forth to get my head together—and the advice of a mentor figure who had dated his wife for ten years long-distance—I was willing to try to make things work, despite the pain I had just suffered at the hands of my last LDR partner a couple months earlier. I realized that I couldn’t stop talking about how awesome this girl was, and how bummed I was to break it off with her. She’s got it all—devastating beauty, world-class brains, a good heart, similar interests, and a killer sex drive. Thank God she was willing to take me back.