[FM] I blew a mechanic to get out of paying for my van to get fixed

The days after the waitress let us stay at her apartment were some of the thirstiest days of my life. Even after we left her we barely got any driving done. We would stop constantly to make out and to fuck in the back of the car. Truth be told, there were a few times that we masturbated while we were driving down the highway. We didn’t get in any accidents so clearly I’m a great driver!

The next few days on the road involved a lot of sex, but not a lot of interesting sex. I’ll lay it out for you. We hooked up with a pair of roommates we met at a bar and skedaddled after they fell asleep, and that kind of became our routine for a while. I started to worry that our interesting days were over. I even started to think that we should go back to Saskatchewan and stay the whole summer with Dani. It didn’t make sense, but tell that to horny Emily at 3 AM wanting to get fucked with a big strap-on.

[FF] [FFF] Me and my best friend fucked the waitress, or maybe she fucked us

Things went pretty quiet for a while after the bar. While we were driving that day, I asked a lot of questions about her hook up with the other boy. Both of us agreed that we had had fun, but not as much fun as if we had been together. And that conversation had turned into a stop by the side of the road where we fingered each other still sitting in the front seat of the van.

We drove a while without doing much, just sightseeing. It was expensive! Has prices didn’t help. We had plenty of money for the trip, but I was burning through it faster than I has expected. Nothing catastrophic, but it made me a little anxious. Anyway, we stopped in this small town for dinner and started scoping out spots that we could camp out for the night in. It was a pretty dingy restaurant, but we were getting used to that. The food wasn’t bad and it was cheap.

[FM] I got fucked by a stranger behind the bar

The morning after we 69’d on the side of the road, Erin and me started talking about our desires more openly. We wanted to try a little of everything. I never even thought I would kiss a girl, but then I had fucked Erin basically three times in less than a week. That first morning, we woke up spooning each other like usual, but the dynamic had definitely changed. It was actually pretty cute and innocent that morning! We kissed a lot, and that’s about it.

We got back into the driver’s seat and started going. Most of our conversations happened while we drove, and that’s when we admitted a lot of our fantasies. Erin talked about how her ex-boyfriend had wanted to try anal but she had been too scared. I said that I wanted to have sex with two guys at once but I never had the chance. We both agreed that we LOVED what was happening with each other, but we were pretty sheepish when we talked about it. We didn’t know it then, but the next time we actually WOULDN’T get our wish for the first time, and we would spend the night separately.

[FMF] Me and my best friend had a threesome with a hot hitchhiker

I said in my last story that Erin and I didn’t really talk about what had happened with the boy from the bar for a few days. Looking back on it I’m kinda surprised, because we were crossing a pretty empty part of the road and we spent most of it talking. But we didn’t talk about that. We talked about school, and family, and gossip about people we both knew. And then on the morning of the third day after the guy from the bar, we met Ale.

He was hitchhiking to the next town over because his girlfriend kicked him out of her car. We were still pretty far from where he was going, so something had definitely gone wrong. Erin and I kinda got the impression that they were no longer an item, but we decided not to push him for the details.

Because of the mattress in the back there wasn’t really anywhere for him to sit. That’s partly why we didn’t take many hitchhikers over the trip, but Ale was REALLY hot and we hadn’t figured out how awk the logistics were yet so we made an exception. Because of that he was just lying on the mattress while Erin and I sat in the front. We got to talking, a little bit about his girlfriend and a little bit about us. He asked if we slept in the back together which was definitely a turning point in the conversation.

[MF] [FF] [MFF]? I watched my best friend deepthroat a stranger’s dick in the back of my van

My best friend and I spent all summer road tripping in my old fashioned VW van. This is the first time we got crazy on the trip.

Well, we were talking to these guys at a bar. She got the one, I got the other. But then near the end of the night the boy I was talking to lost his courage because apparently he had a girlfriend. Erin and I went off to the bathroom to discuss and decided that if she was game to take him back to the van, so was I. I would sit in the front seat and sleep while they took the mattress.

But obviously that didn’t happen. We drank in the back of the van for a while and smoked some weed. I told them that I wouldn’t get in the way, and Erin took out his dick and started giving him head…