A couple of [M]y follies with a drunken stripper…

So….I knew this stripper. I hung out with her a bit, and if I went to the strip club she would be there. She was red haired, had huge titties that were really nice…oh and she was definitely pretty crazy in about every way. She was actually kind of prudish there, she didn’t act wild really or have all that much fun. She was kind of boring to be honest.

I knew her for a few years, I wouldn’t say I was into her or anything. But if we did hang out, she liked to sort of cling on me and one of the things she liked to do was bite me on the neck…I enjoy a bit of biting, but other then that she didn’t do much for me/wasn’t really my type.

She had this one oddity though. She never really drank and didn’t do social drugs. But once a year on her birthday she would have like 3 beers and a shot or two and would be so outrageously drunk, it was like being around a completely separate human being. Just a wild crazy beast.

[M]y massage turned extra [F]riendly

I was much younger and dumber/naieve when this happened. I smoked a ton of pot at the time, so stupid young stoner may be more appropriate.

I knew this girl, me and her were hanging out in her room. She was really cute/funny, had a nice body, a hell of a butt, pretty hair, and looks wise was out of my league. I never thought much beyond we’re just friendly. It was like late summer, and hot as hell that day. Kind of a lazy day, just hanging out.

Anyway she said “hey I am going on this trip tomorrow, and my back is really sore, do you like giving massages?” I was like “Sure, I can give you one.” So she laid face down on the bed and I started to just rub her shoulders. And all of a sudden she was like, “I gotta take some clothes off so you can do a better job.” And she got down to a bikini she was wearing. And she said there was a bottle of lotion over by her mirror. So I grabbed it and she had me undo her top string of her bikini and she kinda half covered her boobs. And she sort of giggled and laid back down. And so I set about to rubbing.