Drunken Decisions of a Teen in Thailand [M]

So in 2016 I went travelling around South East Asia, starting in the south of Thailand. I went on my own at 19 leaving my gf behind (she knew I was going to go when we got together).

Despite us being together for a year or so before, I found out in the first couple weeks that she had cheated on me and so I was in a pretty pissed off mood. I went out anyway with some people I had met in a hostel and we ended up in a series of increasingly seedy bars, ending in a dark, neon-lit pool bar.

We were drinking big blue cocktails and playing pool when 3 or 4 ladyboys joined the game and were very forward with their intentions – stroking my cock through my jeans and offering me all sorts.

The people I was with included a couple and the girl wasn’t keen on all the flirting so she left with her boyfriend and soon so did the other guy as he was too drunk to comprehend the situation. I wasn’t much better.