I was raised strictly Mormon and had a very sheltered childhood growing up. I never so much as kissed a guy while in high school and tried to be the perfect little girl my parents would be pleased with; however, at the age of 18 I took the next step in what honorable Mormon daughters are supposed to do and left for the large national church college in our state.
When I got there it was more of the same, just hours away… constant Mormon teaching, sheltered environment, etc.
My roommate was a committed Mormon girl but in a little bit of time I fell in with the “wrong crowd”, the popular girls who were all much wilder than I ever dreamed of being.
These girls lived in another dorm, but I found myself spending more time with them than my own place because I just enjoyed their company so much the more.
Though I have always been straight throughout my whole life, it was during these years that I had my absolute first sexual experiences… and all of them were with girls.
The many rules prohibiting contact and interaction between members of the opposite sex drove us to these lengths, looking back.