Changes PT 4

This is a fictional short story with fictional characters.

Changes Pt 4

**The Twist**

Next day at work my mobile rang, it was Abram. “I hear you were something special yesterday?” was the immediate question. “you set that up with Sofia, yesterday didn’t you?” I replied sounding a little curt.

“I paid for a special afternoon Emma, and from what I hear a special afternoon was definitely had” Abram had that stern tone in his voice again which washed away my resistance.

“it was beautiful, Sofia was wonderful, the taste of her body, the scent, the softness, was unbelievable on so many levels, I can’t believe I did it and am getting turned on just thinking about it” I said “I am grateful”

“There will be a new adventure later this week Emma, I am coming down and will be staying in the hotel, there is a private bar that is connected to the hotel, we will go there together, no if’s or buts”

Another command, another adventure my heart was willing but my head was beginning to worry about Paul finding out. I didn’t want to ruin my marriage for sexual adventures but I had loved every minute of them.

Changes Pt 3

This is a series of fictional short stories, all characters are fictional

**Changes Pt 3**

**Can’t Say No**

I couldn’t concentrate all week thinking about the massage at the hotel Abram had arranged for me. I knew of the hotel but had never been there, it was a 5-star hotel so I thought it must have been pretty good.

I think Paul my husband must have cottoned on to something as I guess now looking back, I was pretty distant, in my own little world, a dirty sex filled little world that I was loving.

Eventually I told Paul I was heading into town to the hotel for a meeting at the hotel, even though I’d never actually had a massage before.

On the day I was slightly nervous with a few butterflies in my stomach, what to wear, what would happen, what would the guy be like who was doing the massage?

I decided to dress in a patterned yellow light summer dress and had on a white pair of knickers that had a good V shape along the line of my legs down to my pussy and had a matching white low-cut bra. I felt free and easy wearing that it didn’t seem too restrictive and a quick look in the mirror had me feeling good about my look.

Changes Pt 2

This is a series of short fictional stories, all the characters are fictional

Changes Pt 2

**The Call**

It had been two weeks since my, shall we say ‘little adventure’ with Abram. On more than one occasion Paul my Husband, had mentioned that I had a glint in my eye and had a glow around me.

I felt guilty on occasions but I also realised that I had really enjoyed the sex it had set me on fire, I had a couple of great sex sessions with Paul as well so maybe my infidelity was having a knock-on effect.

I had a couple of text from Abram to ask how I was and to say how much he enjoyed the evening and how he would love to do it again soon, something which had no argument from me.

One lunch time sat in my office my phone rang, it was Abram. Instantly just the sound of that magnetic voice had me on the edge of my seat, confused to how he could have a hold on me in this way.


This is the first of a what could be series of fictional stories base around a woman who finds new direction late in life.


My name is Emma Smith until recently I guess I’d lived a steady life. Done nothing to risky or excessive. I have a husband who I love even after 25 years of marriage we are still close and two grown up children, at 50 I’m fit and healthy and pride myself on keeping myself looking youthful and keeping my size 12 figure.

I have what you may say is a top high-profile job with the City Council, it pays well but has its stresses.

I can remember the period of time life changed for me, looking back now it was like the big bang in more ways than one!

My husband Paul is a kind caring loyal man who has given me unbelievable support that has allowed me to follow my career. But increasingly I felt something was missing in my life, I have a good man and good home and children, well I say children they are adults now and have moved on