Just shy of a hands-free orgasm 3 weeks after bottom surgery [T]

I recently found this subreddit, and had an amazing experience as a result. I want to share that experience with the sub that caused it. It’s more an entry in my journal than a story per say, so I hope that’s okay.

26 January

    Last night I was reading user-submitted erotica and looking at porn on Reddit. I found myself “participating” in the stories and porn, something I’ve never done before. My guess is that the erotica kick-started my imagination. That is to say, having to give form to the people, places, and events allowed me to place myself as the woman receiving it all: I was the one being picked up and laid out on a table, the one with a dripping wet pussy that begs for cock, the one feeling my juices being stirred around before fingers are slipped inside of me. Also, it probably helped that I hadn’t touched myself for almost 3 weeks prior, and couldn’t do even during this evening’s events.