Holy Shitt! [M21F29][One night stand]

I met this guy last night and we hit it off like immediately. Without even trying he had me laughing so hard all night til my cheeks ached. We decided to have a night cap at a diner near my house cause we were fucked up. We definitely had one too many drinks.

I remember I had to pee so bad but I didn’t want to leave his sight. I told him to come to the bathroom with me and keep me company. He was like ok. I get in the stall and handle my business. After I washed my hands he started walking to the door like he was about to open it. I was like “no, no, no”
I went to the door and locked it. I was giggling like crazy. My inebriated self was horny as hell. He wasn’t catching on though. That kinda made me hornier. I was convinced by his naive demeanor that I needed to take charge. I had to assure him that I wanted to fuck.

Flambeaux Island- Preliminary Rounds [F19M40][Oral]

Good evening ladies and welcome to our 3rd annual Rich Men & Colored Doors event at Flambeaux Island. Thank you for filling out the paperwork, which includes our confidentiality agreement and all of the activities you will be participating in. I know 30 pages are long so I hope you read everything carefully before providing your signature on each page.

Next you will do a video going over the paperwork to ensure you give your consent to everything that has been discussed. My name is Jimson and I am the lawyer for these fine men you will be spending time with. I can assure you one million dollars will be given to each one of you who completes all the events successfully. You will receive a suitcase of cash before you leave. If you don’t do all of the things mentioned I guarantee you will leave here empty handed. Please follow me to the video room where you will be interviewed individually.
The first woman goes into the video room with Jimson.

Please state your full name.

“ Maranda Vellis”

Did you thoroughly read the contract?


Let’s go over some of the things that were discussed

Flambeaux Island [M43F30M31][Oral]

The cream erupting out of me is overflowing onto the bed. This night is one for the books. This entire experience will be a memory forever etched in my brain. I’m shivering but not from cold air. My body is convulsing. The tremors are constant yet there’s still a line of cocks waiting to penetrate me. I have to compose myself. They won’t numb me with ice yet. They know I can take more. This is what I signed up for. It’s my last night at this island of pleasure. I’m paying my dues…….

“Hmmmm. Do I agree to blood testing twice a day? Do I understand the penalties for disclosure? Do I approve of any necessary medical treatment to be done on site if necessary? Do I agree to use my body as payment?”

I checked the yes box for every question. There was 150 of them. I was so excited I didn’t read half of the questions. I just checked yes. I submitted my answers and packed my bags. 24 hours later I was on a plane to Flambeaux Island.

Day 1

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Regret [M32F32] [Cheating]

Inhibitions tossed out the window. At this moment I wanted to give him all of me. I tried to conceal my inner thoughts as much as I could. With every flare up of my conscious, I downed another drink. I needed this to happen. I needed this man who wasn’t my man, to make love to me. He wasn’t a stranger though, we used to be best friends in college. Life separated us. Social media linked us back up.

I reached out to him tonight and told him I needed a friend. Within a hour we met up for dinner. He looked at me intensely when he got up from the table. His eyes were genuine. As if it was his duty to do so, he gently wiped the tears streaming down my face. For me that was confirmation. I knew he was still in love with me. I could tell it was breaking his heart to see me so sad. I desperately wanted him to make me feel better.

“ I don’t want to go home tonight”

I said while dabbing my eyes with a napkin.

“ I’ll take you wherever you want to go”

Categorized as Erotica

Make me feel good [M35F35][Oral]

I feel like I’m drowning. I’m suffocating and I’m tired of fucking adulting. My daily routine is overwhelming me because of it’s redundant normalcy. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t given up on life. I’ve given up on living. There’s a difference. I don’t want to die. I just don’t want to be bothered. Most of the time I don’t feel like company. I’m annoyed easily by everything and everyone. Is this depression? Maybe. Whatever it is I’m content with it. All I do is work. All I’ve been doing is making sure others obtain their goals. I’ve tried to be an entrepeneur. But every market seems saturated. Every idea I come up with and get excited about seems to already have thousands of people doing it already. I can’t find my winning niche. I’ve tried investing but I’ve had more losses than gains. I’m just tired. I’m tired of the endless failures.
I’ve just turned 35 and I’ve been single for 2 years now. I won’t take full blame for my last relationship. I will say that I had a hand in sabotaging it. Maybe I should’ve took some time to myself to heal before entering that relationship from another previous one. It grew toxic. I grew bitter. We grew apart after trying to stick it out for 6 years.
So now I’m here sitting in a restaurant reflecting while waiting on my date. My coworker Taylor practically begged to fix me up with someone. She was relentless in her efforts. I finally conceded. Working together over the years grew our bond. Although I always declined her invites to functions, she never stopped asking. She was full of life, always broke, promiscuous, non judgmental, and wholeheartedly optimistic. Sometimes it felt like it was her life’s mission to get me to laugh or smile. She caught me on a good day when she asked for the 15th time to set me up. So now here I am waiting on my blind date who’s 5 minutes late now. Strike one!
If he didn’t show up it would be his loss. I hadn’t had sex in 2 years and I planned on letting him be my one night stand. My only requirement was he didn’t get 3 strikes from me by the end of the night. It wasn’t looking good for him at this point. He’s already a strike down.
I saw a man come into the restaurant with a bouquet of roses. He was so well groomed I figured it couldn’t be my guy. But the host pointed my way. The beads of sweat began to form on my forehead. How in the hell did Taylor know him? Did she fuck him? How could she not? He was fine! When he spoke to me I damn near lost it. His voice was deep DEEP! How the hell was he single?
“Hey beautiful. I’m sorry I’m late I couldn’t find a parking spot. I’ll try my best to make it up to you”
Strike reversed I thought. How could I be mad at this fine specimen of a man?
“ It’s fine.” I tried to sound unbothered and sexy at the same time.
“ I hope you like roses “
“ Thank you”
I smelled the roses and our waiter offered to put them at the front til we were ready to leave. She took our orders and disappeared with the roses. For some reason I was immediately comfortable with him. There was something about his demeanor that was inviting and it allowed me to let my guard down.
We talked for hours. We were the last ones to leave the restaurant. He opened up to me about being depressed for almost a year. He use to be a day trader but lost everything. Covid had turned the markets upside down and nothing made sense. We bonded over talking about investments. He was intelligent with several degrees so he was already working for a Fortune 500 company and looking to start a business. We bonded over that too as I told him about my failures.
I didn’t give him a single strike the entire night. My pussy was well aware of this fact as it began to throb. I was yearning for him with every subtle touch he would give me. After I told him I took a Uber he offered to give me a ride home. I let him and invited him in when we arrived at my house. He accepted.
As I was putting the key into my door he whispered in my ear.
“I want to make you feel good tonight”
I smiled without facing him. I opened the door and once we stepped in he closed it behind us. I was too thirsty. I’d planned on offering him a drink but I undressed in the living room and offered myself to him instead. He got on his knees in front of me and spread my legs while I was still standing. He grabbed my ass and pulled me into him. His mouth was perfectly aligned with my pussy. He started licking me up and down and kissing it. He was making love to my pussy with his mouth and it felt so damn good I almost lost my balance. We both giggled but didn’t say anything. He picked me up and carried me to the couch. He sat me down and went back to work. He was sucking on me, licking on me, and like he’d known me forever, he was loving on me. It was all about my pleasure and pleasing me. He moved his right arm up my body. He massaged my breast and then he inserted two of his fingers in my mouth. I sucked the shit out of his fingers. I was suctioning them with my mouth bobbing on them. I wanted to give him a glimpse of what he had me eagerly wanting to do to him. He removed his wet fingers from my mouth and inserted them in me. I gasped. He definitely knew what he was doing and it was a beautiful feeling. My pussy danced to the movement and sound of his tongue. My body egged him on thrusting me into his face to keep the rhythm going. We motioned together going faster and faster. I was leaking and he was slurping it up without missing a beat. He knew I was cumming. He removed his fingers replaced it with his tongue and grabbed on to my ass. My clitoris was rubbing against his mustache making me tingle all over. His tongue fucked me harder and harder. I snatched every letter from alphabet except O and sang that motherfucker!
“ Oooooooooooooooooo”
I exploded! I was panting like a dehydrated dog.
He wiped his mouth and smiled.
I was attempting to remove his pant to return the favor but he stopped me.
“You can take care of me on our next date“
I smiled because just like that I was back in a happy place. The thought of tonight would keep me blissful until the next time.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Anal for the first time [M30F29] [Anal Sex][Married Couple]

Tonight we were having a Sex Toy Party. No one is ever on time. I truly believe we ALL made fashionable entrances. I decided to be 30 minutes early to grab a front row seat. But when I got there just about everyone was there already, credit cards out and everything ready to buy whatever. It was a fact no one would leave empty handed. We were at Zero’s House. She was on her 3rd divorce but that’s only because she had zero tolerance for frauds. Men who were one way while they courted her, but changed drastically once they put a ring on it. She would kick them to the curb faster than the ink could dry on the marriage license. Her 1st marriage made her who she was today which was a no nonsense bitch. She was 47 and we all valued her opinion. I headed straight to the picnic sized tables that were lined up side by side in the back of the basement. The first table was basically a small liquor store. Light liquor, dark liquor, and every wine imaginable. This table was why it was mandatory we used Uber to get here and to leave. This table was also why our husbands had no quarrels with babysitting til dawn. It was a sure thing they could bet their lives on, that sex was definitely going down when we got home.The second table was filled with food. My mouth dropped with an uncontrollable grin as I looked over at the last table. It was filled with sex toys. A woman, I assume was the host sat in a chair behind it already ringing up sales on her cell phone.
“Ok ladies let’s get started!” Zero said as she motioned the host to come to the front of the 4 rows of filled chairs. 8 chairs were in each row. It was the first time I saw us packed to capacity.
“This is Gretta! She is our sex toy host. She will demonstrate a few toys and then answer questions. After that feel free to buy something at her table. It looks like some of you have found it and done that already.” Zero giggled as she took her seat.
“Hello ladies! Let’s dive right in shall we. I’m going to start with products I get asked about the most…”
We all knew for sure she was talking about oral sex, giving head.
“Anal sex! That’s what I’m asked the most about!”
I think we all quenched our butt cheeks together. Everyone had an appalled “I ain’t NEVER doing that shit!!” look on their faces. Nevertheless, as she continued we were so zoned into her, we hung on to every word she spoke.
“And again, There are 5 things to remember. 1. Lube, lube, lube and more lube! 2. Slow motion! 3. Relax! 4. Stimulate your clitoris during anal penetration. and 5. Try different positions. Doggy style may not be for you, try sideways or whatever.”
Clearly we were all making mental notes. The first girl went up to purchase butt plugs, lubes and other anal products. As if she was letting us know it was ok to do so, we all went up and bought something from the anal section immediately after her. Zero scanned our cards while Gretta set up her next display. Dildos and vibrators….
The night was going great so far. After Gretta left we got a impromptu sexy “stripper tease” dance class going . We were having a great time and everybody was wasted!
It was 4am my Uber was outside and I was on my way out the door to my man.
“Good night ladies, always a pleasure. I love y’all!” I blew three kisses to nobody and walked out the door to my Uber.
I was 2 minutes into my ride when
I texted my husband.
“Ok, I’m 10 minutes away!”
“Cool. See you in a few”
Drunkenness taking me over I texted him:
“ I want to feel you inside my ass tonight”
He replied with emojis only.
I smiled and was home 10min later. He was lying on the bed naked watching tv. I turned the tv off and turned on some music. I began to show him what I learned during the dance class while taking my clothes off. As I dropped my underwear I turned around and rolled my body. I touched my toes and poked my ass out. Then I told him We’ll be right back and I headed to the shower.
I came back in the bedroom naked carrying my bag of goodies from Gretta. He turned on some rap, a Juvenile song. All I heard blaring out the speakers was
“Girl you looking good! Won’t you back that ass up…”
I went with it. I turned my back to him again and started twerking to him. I knew I reached him when he smacked my ass over and over positioning himself to get inside my pussy. Or so I thought. He had me get on the bed and laid me on my stomach. I arched my back and poked my ass out super ready for some doggie style action. He grabbed the sides of my ass and started kissing the middle of my back. He kept kissing going further and further down. He reached the crack of my ass and kissed it sensually.
I moaned
He licked my ass cheeks then bit them playfully. He rubbed my clit slowly and started picking up speed while going back up to kiss the crack of my ass. He was French kissing my ass and it felt so damn good. I let out continuous moans of pleasure.
He grabbed the top of my ass cheeks, while licking my ass up and down again. Then he inserted 3 fingers inside my pussy as he stuck his tongue in my asshole. I bit my bottom lip and held the grip.
He had his face buried in my ass. Slurping and sucking. Slurping and sucking. He was fucking me harder and harder with his fingers while I oozed onto them nonstop. He slurped my juices up. I knew what he was doing, he was getting me ready. I was feeling so good and so ready for whatever he wanted to do to me. My body was yearning for him to just do it!
I didn’t realize it until my asshole was saturated with the strawberry scented gel, that he had went into the goodie bag.He squirted damn near the whole bottle of anal gel in my ass. I instantly channeled my inner Gretta! I took a deep breath and slumped over a little bit trying to be completely relaxed.
He rubbed his dick up and down my ass crack. The tip semi entered me. I didn’t know what to think about how it felt but so far so good. I guess. He massaged my ass as he put the tip in. I wasn’t trying to but I was tensing up. He stopped and kissed my ass cheeks while massaging my clit again. He grabbed my hand and placed it on my pussy. He wanted me to play with myself. I did. I was still pretty lubricated but he emptied the rest of the lubricant in my ass. He eased the tip of his dick head in. Slowly he went deeper in. I backed into him to let him know it was ok to keep going. He was slowly making love to my ass while I rubbed my clit faster and faster. It was a feeling I’ve never experienced before. I was beyond euphoria. I couldn’t even scream. I was sucking in air and making noises like I was eating jalapeños. He sped up. He was on the verge of cumming. It wasn’t painful. It was a little uncomfortable but not enough for me to stop him. He was going faster and faster. To ease what was now a little pain I rubbed my pussy ferociously. He was now fucking me. Fucking my ass hard. I kept rubbing my pussy. Somehow I was back in my euphoric place. I was tingling all over. It felt like orgasmic fireworks.
“Oh shiiiiiiit!!!”
He pulled out and came all over my ass. I came all over the sheets…..
The experience was memorable. I’m still not sure if I’ll be able to do it again though.

He punished me and I loved it!

I knew I pissed him off last night. Hell, he pissed me off too. I couldn’t believe he was still mad though. Every response to me was one worded. It was infuriating me. In retrospect, I feel like we were both wrong. But, my pride wouldn’t allow me to apologize first. We went the whole day without texting, FaceTiming, or just simply checking in with each other. I didn’t care though, fuck him!
I made it home from work first, which was normal. He would follow within the next hour or so. The day had calmed me down but I still wasn’t going to say shit to him first. I took a quick shower and decided to throw some lingerie on. I put on my red glow in the dark bra from Luminoglow but I paired it with my black pleather crotchless underwear. Lace ruffles outlined my bare ass. I covered my self up with my gray thigh length satin robe. My red stilettos were on standby. Just as I was taking dinner out the oven he walked in. I decided to break the ice.
“Dinner is ready, do you want me to make you a plate?”
“No!” He said clearly still upset.
He headed to the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the shower running.
I was furious that he was letting this drag on. I sat in the living room replaying the argument almost doubting myself for maybe 10 minutes. I heard him cut the shower off. I was hurt by his silence towards me. I stumped to our bedroom and slammed the door forcefully enough for him to hear it. He came in right behind me.
“Bring your ass here!” He yelled at me.
“ Fuck you! Motherfucka!” I hollered back.
“You didn’t want to say shit to me before so don’t s…”
He grabbed me and threw me on the bed. I attempted to turn back towards him but he swung me back around. I knew at that moment this would be makeup sex. That meant no making love….. we were fucking tonight!
He lifted my robe up and saw my exposed ass. He started spanking me!
“ You’re gonna stop talking shit ain’t you”
The sting from the hit made my body jolt, my back instantly arched.
“Answer me!”
*Slap, Slap*
“Yesssssss”I sang
“Yes what?!?!”
“ Yes! Daddy! Yesssss!”
He pushed my back down. My chest and stomach was being smothered by the bed. My head was damn near buried in the pillow. My ass was poking out on the edge of the bed.
“Stay right there, don’t you move!”
I looked up to peek to see what he was doing but then I complied.
He walked his naked body to the closet. He put on some socks and his timberland boots. Then he got back behind me. Aww shit! That’s his “Get a good grip” gear! I tried to push myself up but he pushed me back down while spanking my ass again.
“I said don’t move!”
He rubbed my pussy then inserted his fingers in me to check my moisture levels.
I was wet as fuck and he was brick hard!
He didn’t take his time pushing his dick in me. Basically he rammed it in me. He put his left hand on my side grabbing my flesh as his right hand gripped a substantial amount of my hair tightly. My neck bobbled back as he pounded into me. He pounded and pounded and POUNDED then moved in circular motion up and further up. He pounded more and more as he was getting deeper and deeper! It was so painfully pleasurable I began biting my bottom lip to prevent myself from screaming. It didn’t work. I was hollering in ecstasy. I was so glad I wasn’t facing him cause I know I was making so many monstrous faces.
“What are you supposed to be doing” he asked.
“Getting that dick”I whispered.
“ Getting that dick!!!” I yelled!
“Grab my balls”he spoke dominantly.
I complied!
He pounded into me even more as I held on to his balls for dear life. My whole body was stimulated. Several times it felt like my soul escaped my body. it felt like he was going to pull my hair out too, he was gripping it so tightly. Whenever I tried to escape for a little relief he yanked me back in place by my neck so I just took it. I did my best to take all of his dick.
Finally he turned me over. I told him to turn off the lights. I wanted him to see my bra glow. He cared nothing about it though. He ripped everything off of me. He could see that made me upset but he continued to punish me. He didn’t give a fuck!!
He stood me up only to push me down with his hands on top of my head. I buckled to my knees. He grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my mouth. He had no mercy! I gagged! My eyes began to water as he fucked my mouth harder and harder. I gagged like I was choking to death. He released me long enough to come up for air. Then fucked my mouth some more. I was gagging so much my mouth was an ocean of slob. He released me again.
“Now get to work!”
I started licking the tip of his dick, sucking and slurping it. I went down as far as I could go then slowly pulling back up while gripping his dick tightly. I slobbered his dick over and over again. I sucked each ball individually then together. I placed my hands behind my back like I was being handcuffed and started giving him head with no hands.
“Yeah! That’s daddy’s good girl! Get that dick!”
I complied…
He sat me down and looked over at my stilettos.
“Put them shoes on and touch your toes!”
I complied.
He got behind me and was pounding me again. This time he was bending his knees and shooting in me with multiple quick gyrating strokes. Gripping my sides he kept pounding.
He pulled me up and then picked me up. He sat me on his dick while he was still standing and started moving me up and down. I was now gyrating on him moving faster and faster… I wrapped my hands around his neck and buried my head into his shoulder. He sat me down on the dresser. It was waist length to him. He latched onto my neck with his teeth and grabbed my ass cheeks and thrust deep inside me. He was going so fast it felt like his dick was vibrating in me. I could feel him in my stomach it felt so unreal, my whole body began to tingle. I was about to cum! He knew it too!
“Oh my Godddddddddd!!!!” I screamed, sounding like I was speaking into a fan! I’m cumming!!!
“Me tooooooo-oooh shit!” He hollered as he tensed up and throbbed in me….

Categorized as Erotica

My ex still calls once a year!

Soul ties are real! It’s indigestible to let go of your soulmate, especially when the relationship itself was impenetrable. Some outside force beyond our control was the only thing to penetrate a bond so incorruptible. Distance was the chink in our armor. But that doesn’t matter. Even though life has separated us, I’m still his woman. He belongs to someone else and so do I. I’m still his woman! Logic isn’t welcomed here. He is my addiction. I am the moth drawn to his flame. He’s my heroine. Whenever he calls, I will come running. I don’t give a fuck if it’s once a year. That one night is always worth it beyond measure. Tonight is that night!
I was in my downtown loft in Chicago pacing back and forth. I was dressed in nothing but my silk black robe and red stilettos. My playlist had played out. The only sound heard was coming from the clicking of my heels against the hardwood floors. Where was his call? It was 9pm and the phone still hadn’t rung. He usually calls by 7. I was fidgeting and my wine consumption emulated my thoughts. Was this thing that had be going on for 5 years now finally over? Did he forget what today was? Should I call him even though I’ve never had to? What if he doesn’t answer?
I grabbed another bottle of wine and the corkscrew ready to drown my sorrows of disappointment. Just as I was about to take a sip from my glass, the phone rang and it startled me. My glass fell and shattered on the floor. Without hesitation I ran to my phone that was sitting on the table. I damn near broke my neck trying to reach it before it could ring again.
“Hello” I said trying to sound sexy even though I was somewhat out of breath.
“Open the door” he said stoically.
I hung up instantly. I jetted to the bathroom to check my hair. I refreshed my lips with Red lipstick and ran to my front door. I opened the door to see him standing there with a petite trench coat opened. It definitely wasn’t for him.
“ I knew you were naked. Put this on and lets go “
I did as I was told. I used the coat’s belt to close it up on me. I set my alarms and followed him out my loft. A black Range Rover with a driver greeted us. As we got in he instructed the driver to raise the partition. He had already removed the belt from my coat and was now removing the coat from my body including my silk robe. I sat back eagerly awaiting whatever he was about to do. He lifted my right leg to his shoulder and removed my red stiletto. He sucked on my toes individually. He kissed my ankles then moved slowly and gently as he made his way to my inner thighs. He grabbed my hand and placed it between my legs. He put his hand on top of my hand. We massaged my womanhood together. This is what I loved about him. Everything was gentle. Nothing was ever rushed. He was going to take his time with me. And I would bask in his seduction all night. He kissed every imperfection perfectly. He wanted my arousal to build. With every peck I leaked slowly and steadily. I yearned for his touch. I craved him. I missed feeling him inside me. He slowly removed our hands and replaced them with his tongue. He licked me until his mouth was drenched in my juices. He sucked on my clitoris until it was engorged. My body swayed to the feeling he was giving me. He could sense my anticipation and my excitement. I breathed heavily and my juices steadily flowed. They were the sirens of my pleasure that egged him on to keep going. I knew this would be a long car ride. This night would undoubtedly last forever. The reality of tomorrow was light years away. For now, the destination is my climax.

Categorized as Erotica