Boyfriend encouraged me [F] to tease his friend a little bit more.

I previously wrote about how my boyfriend encouraged me to tease his friends. That was the first time doing it, and since then, had lead to some other scenarios. This situation was one that really turned me on, and turns me on to think about now.

This happened only a few months ago. Prior to this, I did have a few chances to mildly tease with encouragement of course. However, this was really taking it to the next level.

One of our friends, we’ll call him Justin, was someone we didn’t see as often as the others, as the result he traveled all the time for work. When we did see him it was always out somewhere in a group setting. Justin was a real catch and I’ve always felt attracted to him, and enjoyed the mild flirting and stolen glances I’d catch from him.

This was a Saturday night and my boyfriend was going to watch a UFC fight. We were originally going to have a few people over, including Justin, but there was a Covid outbreak in our group so we decided to cancel and just stay in. Justin let us know he was going to hang out with his brother but he may stop by sometime later in the evening.

First time I teased boyfriends friends with his encouragement. [F]

My boyfriend and I had been together around 7 months at the time. We had a good mix of singles and others in a relationship. I’d pickup on some his friends checking me out, but it wasn’t really inappropriate, and didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.

Up to this point my boyfriend never mentioned anything about his friends checking me out. At times, he’d make comments about someone in public checking me out, but it was said with a bit of humor, but it would always stroke my ego a bit when he’d notice someone checking me out too.

His friend was having a garage sale and we were going to stop by to drop off some stuff and have a couple of drinks. It was going to be 3 of his guy friends who had been there already, and us. It was a Thursday evening and before we left we had some really hot sex. I was about to get dressed when he told me kinda jokingly I should wear my “sexy leggings”. We called them that because they were pretty sheer and see through and I’d only wear them when at home. I laughed it off and thought he was joking, but then he kept persisting. I started to get a little annoyed because to me it seemed kind of absurd, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about parading around his friends like that. Plus this was out of left field, so I was caught a little off guard.

[F] Shared hotel room with friend and her boyfriend

This took place a few years ago while I was single. A friend of mine was having her wedding out of town. I am wasn’t going to go, because I really didn’t want to spend the money. My friend who was going to go with her boyfriend, insisted that I go, and I could stay in their room. I told her I didn’t want to intrude and she insisted.

My friend and her boyfriend had been together a few years and we were pretty close, hanging out a couple times a month. I always thought her boyfriend was very attractive, and him and I got along well. There were a couple of times him and I flirted when we were drinking , but nothing really inappropriate.

They had a king size bed and the plan was to get a cot that I would stay in. The hotel informed us they didn’t have any. I said I’d sleep on the floor and my friend said it’s fine, that the bed was big enough for all of us, and we’d just be sleeping anyway. It made sense so I relaxed a little.

Slept with boyfriend and neighbor in the same day [F]

This took place while I was dating my boyfriend, and sleeping with my neighbor. When this occurred, I had only slept with my neighbor twice. I was still wrestling with feeling guilty, but also enjoying the thrill of it. And if I’m being honest, my neighbor and I had amazing sex. Even still, I always tried to keep these two worlds as separate as I could. In my own little weird way, I felt the was being respectful to my boyfriend doing this.

It was a Saturday morning and I had just gotten back from a run. I was horny and was going to play with myself as I wasn’t going to be seeing my boyfriend till later on. I was tempted to knock on my neighbors door but refused to break that barrier. I was on my couch wearing panties and a tank top I just threw on and was playing with myself, just sort of teasing. I heard a knock at the door, and knew who it was. Our arrangement didn’t include him coming over as it was too risky, so I wasn’t sure what he wanted.

When I cheated on my boyfriend with my neighbor [F]

This took place in my 20’s and wanted to share my first time cheating on a boyfriend.

My boyfriend and I were together for around 8 months, and it was pretty serious. I knew I didn’t want to marry him, but I thought maybe eventually I’d get there.

I had been living in my own apartment for a few months. My boyfriend lived with his parents and would spend the night 3-4 times a week.

The neighbor next door to me, was a middle aged bachelor, who was attractive, and kept to himself. I would often see him in the hallway and make small talk and never picked up any sort of “vibe” from him.

My boyfriend and I were spending the day bringing the rest of my belongings which were at my parents still. This consisted of 8 boxes between our two cars. My neighbor happened to be walking into the building when we were starting and offered to give us a hand. I was wearing a hoody and yoga pants. He made a couple trips with us, bringing most of the boxes into my place while I was rearranging things to make room. I offered him to stay for a beer and he said he’d take a rain check.

[F] Gave blowjob to friend everyday for a week

This was years ago when I was in between boyfriends.

James was part of the group of my group of friends I saw frequently. He was very sweet. I never viewed him sexually or romantically. I looked at him more as a brother or cousin if anything.

Our group had went to Myrtle Beach for two weeks. I had obligations that prevented me from going, and James was going to be moving to another state the following week so he wasn’t able to go either. With our friends gone, I didn’t anticipate seeing him.

Thursday afternoon James texted me out of the blue to see if I’d like to meet up anyway. I didn’t see any reason not to so I went. It was a little awkward at first as he wasn’t the most talkative person. After some drinks we both ended up having really great conversation, and I learned a lot about him. As the night wore on we both talked about the single life. It felt like I was talking to one on my girlfriends so I let my guard down. We discussed our sexual life and shared many details. James alluded to how his ex girlfriend from a year or so ago, who I never met, would give him a blowjob everyday. This was something he would bring up, making comments like “I just miss my daily blowjob”. This ended up leading to me admitting I enjoyed giving head. One would think there would be sexual tension building, but I simply didn’t feel it.

[F] Boyfriend encouraged me to tease a guy at work

Recently my boyfriend and I opened a bit more sexually. It’s not a consistent thing, but sometimes he will want to hear about my past experiences, or about recent times when a guy was checking me out. He will love to hear every detail.

I recently told him about a guy who services some equipment around our office. He’s usually at our building once or twice a month, and I don’t always see him. He’s a younger guy and I enjoy our brief conversations when I do see him. I told my boyfriend about the previous two brief encounters I had with him. They weren’t anything extraordinary. Just how I noticed him checking out my cleavage and ass.

My boyfriend really loved hearing about this. And to be honest. I may have exaggerated a little bit to him because I loved how into he was. As we talked my boyfriend kept saying how I should tease him intentionally the next time he’s at work. I was a little skeptical because we were talking in the moment. It could be another month before I saw him, and my boyfriend may feel differently.

I [F] slept with a married former co-worker

I slept with a married ex co-worker.

Before I was in my current relationship, I was more interested in casual flings. My team at work knew that I was single, and that I wasn’t really looking for a relationship, as they had tried to set me up.

The married guy was John. He was in a different department, but I would work with him daily. I didn’t know too much about him, but I knew he was married. I always thought he was attractive, and was always super friendly.

This happened as his goodbye party. By then he and his wife had already moved and he was back to close up loose ends and attend the party. It was a casual thing at a bar inside the hotel he was staying at. Prior to this we exchanged information to stay in touch. He actually added me on Snap, which I found odd but didn’t think too much on it.

Why I Share My Slutty Confessions [F]

I recently started sharing my slutty confessions online, and many of you had asked why I started doing do, so I figured I’d share why.

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a few years. While we’ve never actually discussed kinks, or prior experiences, we’ve always had a fun, healthy sex life. Around a month ago, we were sort of nudged to start discussing it all.

We had been went to his nephews birthday party. I thought it would be low key, but his brother also invited a number of out of town friends and treated it like a mini reunion. So there was an abundance of alcohol flowing.

I’ve been around his family and friends before, who is a wide variance of ages. I was aware of being checked out by them, and never really put too much thought into it. However, with this party, maybe with the alcohol, and out of town guests, it seemed different.

I wore a flowery sundress. It showed off ample leg, and subtle cleavage. Nothing too risqué. I had played a number of yard games with friends, and with the younger kiddos. I also laid out on the beach chair, taking in the sun, enjoying the drinks.

My first experience with a very big cock. [F]

Before this happened, I had only been with a few guys that I had been in relationships with. They were all adequately sized, but nothing in comparison to this guy.

I had recently broken up with a guy I was dating for a few months after I discovered he was a serial cheater. What hurt even more was that him and I would fool around almost daily, and he still ended up cheating multiple times.

The first week after we broke up I was too hurt to focus on anything else. The following week I started to get over him, but soon started missing my almost daily hookups. I told my friends and they all insisted I find a rebound guy to get laid. I wasn’t the type to do that so o was stuck to my own devices. (Hand, hairbrush, other objects)

My friends had planned a weekend at a town a few hours away. I decided to go with them since I didn’t have anything else going on. The first night there was uneventful. I danced with a few guys, but none of them really held my attention.