My [F]irst experience cuckholding.

Ok, I don’t have much shame admitting that I’m a slut, bordering on nympho. I love sex, it’s my main hobby pretty much. I’ve always enjoyed having guys and girls interested in me, especially when I felt like they were out of my league!

Now, this main hobby of mine is a lot of fun of course, but the biggest problem I have is with relationships and commitment. I’m very fickle, I change my mind ALL the time, I can be riding someone’s cock one night, but be bored of them the next. Needless to say, I lack the willpower and commitment to be in a relationship, I just don’t want to be tied down to one person!

Be that as it may, there have been some guys, and a single girl who has wanted to pursue a relationship with me. Ever since my third relationship I have been flatly saying No. It’s better that way, for everyone involved.

But I didn’t have that wisdom a few years ago, and while I did still warn them about, well, me, they insisted, so I caved. None of them lasted more than 4 months, the longest WAS 4 months. During this time though, he was very… ‘Interested’ in my sex life, we’ll call him Dean.

I [F] Get passed around the room.

When I was around 20, I went out and enjoyed a lot more parties than I currently do, mostly because more people weren’t working full time yet and actually had time to throw all nighter parties on a Wednesday!

They were your usual typical parties, loads of drinking, party games, bad decisions, you name it! My friend Lee used to throw these parties a lot since he’s got quite a big house and a lot of money from his folks, so we all appreciated it when he threw a party, and “we” was usually like 20 or so people?

Anyway, the story begins when I got an invite to one of these parties again, which I obviously went to, because if I didn’t there wouldn’t be a story. I got there and the party was already in full force, so I just dived into the crowd and started joining in the drinking and dancing!

It was a pretty fun party, I had a fair amount to drink, did some dancing and some singing with some friends, I might have had a bit too much to drink since I don’t really remember that part, I remember playing a few games here and there, but the game I remember most was the last one we played.

I [F] share my friends boyfriend

So this is almost a sequel to the last story I posted! I mentioned in it that I had another story about Amy and Simon, that I would share it at another time.

Another time has come! I was thinking about them a bit a couple of days ago, and thought that the follow up would be my next story!

After Amy and I had parted ways in the context of my first story about these two, it was about 2 weeks or so of just petty conversations, acting like it didn’t happen or whatever. It kinda hurt honestly because I caught feelings a little bit for her, but she had a boyfriend so it was pretty much like ‘just shut up please’ to my feelings.

One day after college we were the last two leaving class so I approached her about it and basically asked if she wanted to do it again.

She just blew me off and said that she had a boyfriend and couldn’t be messing around behind his back, which is when I remembered what she said when we were in the car, that he’d want to join in on our fun if we wanted to do it again.

I [F] had my first experience with another [F]

This was about a year back now, before this point I’d never done anything with a girl. Not only had I really not been overly interested, I just hadn’t found another girl who was either bi or lesbian, so it just didn’t really happen until a bit later. I’m glad it did though! It opened my mind up sexuality wise, and I discovered that I was bi! Anyway, onto what happened.

My old friend Amy and her boyfriend Simon wanted to go to a waterpark and they invited me.

Me and Amy also discussed a sleepover, I agreed to it, but only if it was just us two girls and not her boyfriend. She agreed, apparently work had been rough for her so she needed some girl time, great!

I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, and after a few texts and messages, no one who was free or willing to accompany me either, so it was just the three of us going.

That’s when the third wheeling began.

I [F] spent my time with an older guy [M]

This is definitely the oldest guy I’ve been with, so far at least. I don’t really mind going for older guys, when I get desperate for cock, literally almost anyone will do. Older guys are still guys after all! They have the same needs, the need to nut!

Anyway, I was at college in one of my old science classes, and we had an assignment where we were put into pairs. I was paired up with this older guy, David, who was, yep, 52. At first I groaned, this was going to be me carrying this older guy, but as we got to talking he was pretty nice, and knew a lot about the topic!

So, we worked together for 5-6 weeks, getting to know eachother, joking around, doing some work, even some casual flirting. One day I even sat on his lap as he was filling out some of our paperwork, just to tease him.

Well we finished the assignment and he invited me out for drinks to celebrate us being done, ‘Sure!’ I said, I needed to unwind anyway, all my other classes were pretty intense so getting out and relaxing was a good idea.