The Isarion Marketplace [Non-Human] [Fantasy] [Public]

Kolvan pulled sharply on the metal handle of the large wooden door swinging it open. The tall elf strode confidently through the entrance to the marketplace with his right-hand man, Torgan the Orc, following closely behind.

“Hello Sir,” the perky elf behind the reception desk said “were you coming to see our wares today? Only 3 gold pieces for you both to enter and then all our merchandise inside is for sale.” She smiled politely as she leant her hand over the counter expectantly. Kolvan waved his hand and moved towards the second set of doors as Torgan was left to hand over the gold pieces.

“Welcome Sir’s”.” one of the two armed Orcs, acting as both the welcoming party and securing, said as they made their way towards double doors to the ‘showroom’.

Kolvan stepped inside and breathed deeply, his eyes breathing in the sights, his ears devouring the sounds of the busy marketplace and the almost tangible taste of quality wares being tested and sold on his palette.

Lust: Reply [Affair, Solo]

This is the second part to my a short i wrote, [Lust](


The phone lit up and buzzed excitedly on the bench. The notification of a new message displayed on the screen as Calli tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down at her phone. A smile crept onto her face as she read Jay’s name, her hand subconsciously brushing across her cleavage as she motioned to unlock the phone.

‘Hey beautiful, how have you been? I’ve missed you and your beautiful face.’

Her smile grew as she read the message, her mind painting a picture of Jay speaking the words to her. Leaning back against the countertop, Calli’s fingers danced across the keyboard typing back a reply.

‘Hey, long time no speak. I began to think you might have forgot about me’ Calli sent back, the phone responding with a satisfying swoosh as the reply shot out into the ether.

‘I could never forget about you baby, that cute face doesn’t just disappear from memory that easily’ Jay’s reply came back quickly.

‘You caught me at a good time, I’m about to step in the shower’ Calli messaged back grinning as she moved out of the room towards the bathroom.

Lust [Affair, Solo]

Jay rolled over in bed, light streaking past the blinds and waking him from his sleep. His hand instinctively reached towards his morning wood, half to adjust it in his underwear, half to softly stroke it. He turned his head, his girlfriend still sleeping next to him soundly, the only noise in the room the soft rustling of the bed covers as Jay’s hand moved up and down his cock.

His eyes closed; his mind began to wander. His thoughts returned to where they always did, Calli. Life’s habit of being busy and throwing up roadblocks in his communication with the stunning American he had met online did not stop her being the focus of his fantasies.

He drew the outline of her body in his minds eye, imagining her drawing back her hair from her face, her beautiful eyes dreamily looking back at him. She pouted her lips slightly before breaking into a smile back at him. He could see her perfect breasts, and the soft skin he desperately wished was pressed against his. Jay imagined the feeling of his hand on the small of her back, drawing her close to him, holding her to him like she was his oxygen.

Lust// Fantasy 2 [MF] [Cheating]

This is part two, for part one see
Feedback is always welcome!


Calli turned the wheel of the car as she pulled it into the driveway of her house and into the garage. The handbrake clicked into place as she turned the key and shut the engine down. Jay’s hand had not left her thigh as they drove from the airport to her house, their general conversation intermittently interrupted as they took turns reminding each other of how glad they were to finally have each other in the flesh.

Jay reluctantly took his hand off Calli’s thigh and moved it up towards her face, brushing her breasts through her dress. His hand caressed her face softly and turned her to face him. His eye’s bore into hers for a few moments before he spoke.

“You are truly beautiful, Calli.” Jay said, leaning in and kissing her deeply. Calli blushed as she kissed him back. She melted in his hands and melted to the things that he said to her. He was living up to the man he was in their online relationship and was certainly living up to her fantasies.
Their kiss broke and Jay smiled. He had barely been able to wipe a smile off his face since he first saw Calli at the airport, only being able to stop long enough to kiss her. Calli beamed back at him happily.

It’s a Business, Man. [Fantasy] [Slave] [mf]

This was written as a response to a r/dirtywritingprompt but i thought it might be of interest here.
Original Link –

Feedback and constructive criticism welcomed!


Kolvan pulled sharply on the metal handle of the large wooden door swinging it open. The tall elf strode confidently through the entrance to the marketplace with his right-hand man, Torgan the Orc, following closely behind.

“Hello Sir,” the perky elf behind the reception desk said “were you coming to see our wares today? Only 3 gold pieces for you both to enter and then all our merchandise inside is for sale.” She smiled politely as she leant her hand over the counter expectantly. Kolvan waved his hand and moved towards the second set of doors as Torgan was left to hand over the gold pieces.

“Welcome Sir’s”.” one of the two armed Orcs, acting as both the welcoming party and securing, said as they made their way towards double doors to the ‘showroom’.

Kolvan stepped inside and breathed deeply, his eyes breathing in the sights, his ears devouring the sounds of the busy marketplace and the almost tangible taste of quality wares being tested and sold on his palette.

Lust//Fantasy 1 [MF] [Cheating]

His hand slid down the side of her body, his fingers sliding inside the panties on her waist and pushing them down roughly as he kissed at her neck. A deep moan escaped his lips as he pulled her closer, her panties the only thing between his cock and her pussy.
He bit down softly on her neck. “God I fucking need you, Calli.” He moaned, her skin pressed against his as he continued to work her panties down her legs but wanting to move his cock further away from her than necessary.

“Jay, you know I fucking need you more,” Calli said in a half whisper “I really fucking *beep* *beep*.”

Jay rolled over, a groan escaping his lips as he reached his arm over and pressed the alarm on the bedside table. Another hot dream ruined too early, he thought to himself as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He looked over his shoulder. Rachel was still fast asleep next to him; his early alarm had received no response from her. The time ticked over to 3:01 as Jay adjusted his morning wood and moved towards the bedroom door. Work was usually a pain, but finally a business trip sent him to America, a place he had been itching to go for months.