I got out of work early as i was going to end my week throwing a surprise 16 th birthday for my all grown up little girl Missy. I stopped off at my favorite happy hour spot and had two quick Crown on the rocks and exchanged pleasantries with the regulars that usually frequented my happy hour spot. i was fast becoming a regular here as i was going through a divorce that resulted in my now exwife leaving the custody of the kids to me and it has been a rough three years adjusting to all of these changes. i was fast becoming a single parent to our three girls and two were off to college and i was left with my last little girl Missy. Me and her were always close and we enjoyed alot of the same hobbies and likes as she was quickly growing into a mature grown woman.

Summer house…continued

I found myself in my forties and single again.  It was coming up onto the summer and I rallied a few of my other single friends to go and rent a summer house right on the beach and relive our young and dumb years.  I got five other of my friends to go in on the rental which allowed us the money to rent a house right on the beach and it also had an inground swimming pool and a kick ass party ready backyard.  It had enough rooms so we all had our own bedrooms and it was a spectacular house that would put any of our living quarters to shame. 

Memorial day weekend came quickly and we were standing in a beautiful beach house on that Friday before Memorial day.  All of us invited whom we wanted to and the only ground rules we made were to not allow any girlfriends over for the weekends.  We agreed that there was enough weekday spots to entertain our own girlfriends or significant others as two of my friends were gay, one openly and the other still in the closet.  We also reserved the weekdays for the times where anybody wanted to entertain their children.  We were setting up the weekends up for party central and for what happened over the weekends never was talked about after the fact.

Summer House part1

I found myself in my forties and single again.  It was coming up onto the summer and I rallied a few of my other single friends to go and rent a summer house right on the beach and relive our young and dumb years.  I got five other of my friends to go in on the rental which allowed us the money to rent a house right on the beach and it also had an inground swimming pool and a kick ass party ready backyard.  It had enough rooms so we all had our own bedrooms and it was a spectacular house that would put any of our living quarters to shame. 

Memorial day weekend came quickly and we were standing in a beautiful beach house on that Friday before Memorial day.  All of us invited whom we wanted to and the only ground rules we made were to not allow any girlfriends over for the weekends.  We agreed that there was enough weekday spots to entertain our own girlfriends or significant others as two of my friends were gay, one openly and the other still in the closet.  We also reserved the weekdays for the times where anybody wanted to entertain their children.  We were setting up the weekends up for party central and for what happened over the weekends never was talked about after the fact.