[21M 39F] An Ode to The Fountains of Wayne

‘I don’t know if she’s got a daughter named Stacy, but she has definitely got it going on.’

This was the thought running through Gavin’s head as he watched her walk through the bikini clad and shirtless youth of the pool. As he sat up in his stand, the sun hitting his skin and causing him to rethink the amount of sunscreen he had applied, he could hear the song running through his head. He didn’t necessarily mind it, after all it was a good song, but he also couldn’t help but get slightly lost in the fantasy of her and him. Of course Fountains of Wayne played over these images in his mind as he mindless scanned the pool for potential victims of the “drowning process” as he was told to call it. Every so often, he would glance over to where she had disappeared, hoping for another glimpse given the shaded area, but with the sun beating down and reflecting into his eyes, he couldn’t tell.