Remembrance of encounters past: Delightful Divorced Desi (Part 1) [Mf]

Please read introduction [here.](

I kept this as close to what happened as possible and gave an honest account while it is still fresh in my memory. At least from my perspective. But I wanted to be respectful to her. I met her on Reddit. She is still active. We are still in touch and friendly. I shared the story with her and changed a few things to protect her identity and few other details she wanted removed and few events she remembered differently. So I deleted a few things upon her request but did not embellish what is still here.

This is the story of Desi. Well, that is not her real name. I am using it just to protect her identity. To be honest, I had little idea what that meant until she explained it to me. I would not have used it thinking it is something derogatory and as an older white man, I would be careful. But she told me it is just equivalent to “made in the USA” for India. It only refers to things, customs, and people of India and the subcontinent. No disrespectful connotation.

Remembrance of encounters past: Amiable Amy (Part 1) [Mf]

Disclaimer: Though these stories are based on my real life experiences, these are just stories. The names and other details of the women and girls are change to protect their identities. I believe in discretion and safety of everyone. I am sharing these for enjoyment. Not here to hurt or harm anyone.

Introduction: Before we start, let me tell you a bit about where I am coming from. They say if you do not know where you are coming from, then you will never find where you are going.

I am a 48 year old white man. I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in a suburbs of middle America. It was not all white, but mostly white neighborhood. And all middle class. My idea of and exposure to girls were different shades of white – from pale to ginger to tan – and black. When it came to black the shades did not register: someone was either black or not. So my experience and options for dating in my was mostly white with rare exception of black girls. Black girls were exciting but at that time a too large contrast for comfort. So my first wife was also white. We were normal couple: happy with normal things and normal sex life.