The start of a journey Part 2 <Cuckold>

Note: There’s part 1 of this story ([]( Please read it before this. DO post your comments.

True to her words, Jenny asked if he would come, visit them. And she made sure she invited him with her wife.

Dan said, ‘I am sure he’s not bringing his wife along.’

‘You never know. He just might.’

Dan said, ‘That guy is only thinking about you. No way is he bringing his wife.’

Jenny said, ‘I hope he’s not thinking of sex. That’s not going to happen. You know that also, right?’

Dan shrugged, ‘Yeah. Yeah. Just tease him good. Let him get tortured well.’

Jenny asked, ‘You sure it won’t get weird? And you will have to be there.’

‘Of course, baby!’

Later that week, Jenny said to Danny, ‘You’re right. He said he will come alone if that’s okay with us.’

Dan asked, ‘What did you say?’

‘That sure. Anyways, in this pandemic, the lesser people, the better.’

Danny winked, ‘But, baby, are you teasing him over video calls?’

‘Ha-ha! No, I am not. This week has been a little stressful work-wise. It’s difficult to play and work.’

The start of a journey <Cuckold>

Note: This is the start of a story. If you like the premise, will write the next part. Do let me know.

‘You know, the strangest thing happened today’ said Jenny. She was working in the bedroom.

Dan was working on his laptop. He stretched back and said, ‘What happened?’

Jenny and Dan have been married for some years. They both worked in different software companies. Like most working people, the pandemic around has made them coop in their rooms and start adapting to the new rules of Work from Home. While Jenny used the bedroom as her workstation, Dan worked from the living room.

Jenny said, ‘My boss messaged me. He said I looked good today. What the fuck?’

Dan chuckled. He got up and stood by the door. Jenny was half-lying on the bed looking at her mobile while the laptop screen glowed. Dan looked at her and said, ‘Well, it’s a compliment. You indeed look wow today.’

Jenny laughed too and faced Dan, ‘Well, I must be looking good if my husband is saying I am looking good.’

Dan quipped, ‘You should thank the oversized tee. I can see your entire cleavage.’

Beth is taken by her dad’s friend [Older guy/ Young woman]

Beth blinked at her computer. She re-read her mail again. The words didn’t change, as she thought it would. It read, ‘Congratulations! You’re hired.’ Beth clasped her hands together and ran out of her room and hugged her mother.

Beth had been job hunting for more than a year after college. It had been an ordeal, especially under the gaze of her parents. But, where else could she stay? She had to move into her parents’ house after she completed college and after an extensive job hunt with multiple interviews and heartbreaks – she finally had landed a job offer. But there was one concern.

Beth faced her father, ‘Dad, I have to move to `the city.’

Her dad looked at her and said, ‘Yeah! Seems so. But all the good jobs are in the city.’

Beth looked down. Her family was not the most affluent, financially. Her dad’s savings ended up in the house they bought in the suburbs. The EMIs were still high and her mom was a homemaker. Beth knew it would be difficult for her dad to support her set up in the city.

My mom played my game bteer than me [Fantasy voyeurism]

John was fiddling with his mobile phone in his hostel room. The room was fairly big with two sets of furniture at two sides of the room yet with ample place in the middle clearing to walk. Each set of furniture had a steel bed, a cupboard, a study table and a chair. John was slouched over his bed as he gazed out of the window. There was no particularly heart-warming view, it was mostly of barren open spaces but at least the window didn’t face another building.

‘Hey! What are you thinking?’ John turned back to see Andy. Andy was his room-mate. It has been almost three months now that they have been roommates.

‘Nothing particularly. I am thinking of going home in the next weekend.’ John said still looking out of the window.

‘Next weekend? Oh, yes, we do have a holiday next Friday. So, are you going to your hometown?’

John looked back and stretched, ‘Well, yes. I promised my mom that I will be home at least once a month.’

Andy was solemn, ‘Does she still stay alone?’

John said, ‘Yes, mostly. My dad sometimes comes in weekends.’