My neighbour adores my wife! Part 8

The final part. Link to the previous part:


My neighbour adores my wife! Part 7

As the week progressed, Tom was very excited. Tom bought up the invitation to Boyd’s place over the week but Anna strictly said that they were discussing too much of Boyd. But Tom kept on thinking about who will Boyd have as his partner. Will it be Karen? Will it be someone else? Now, that Boyd and him were comfortable, will he get to spend some time with her? Secondly, what will Anna do? What will she wear? Will she make out with Boyd?

A strange sensation flowed in his body. Jealousy, anxiety, pleasure – all mixed in a frighteningly heightened sensation that he masturbated whenever he thought about Anna and the party.

That evening, Tom asked Anna, ‘So, what will you wear?’

Anna rolled her eyes as if it was such a stupid question, ‘We are not going anywhere. It’s just our neighbor’s place.’

‘Well, a neighbor who always imagines you naked.’

Anna blew a raspberry and closed the bedroom door. When she came out, she smelled of sex. Her hair was undone intentionally, she had very light make-up on. She was wearing a summer dress – a floral kind with bright yellow and red. The dress had a deep neckline but what caught Tom’s eyes were the boobs – didn’t they seem fuller as if the dress is clinging to her voluptuous boobs?

My neighbour adores my wife! Part 6

The next day evening, as Anna was cooking dinner, Tom held her waist from behind and kissed the nape of her neck. ‘You know, Anna, you turned me on yesterday.’

Anna laughed and said, ‘I could sense that last night. You were so hard.’

‘Honest confession, I never thought you would do that.’

‘Honest confession, me neither.’

‘But, you know, I think more than you in that tee, if we can call it that, it was the jealousy of Boyd that turned me on.’

‘I always thought you were possessive.’ Anna said

‘I still am. You are all mine. But, just to flaunt all this. I mean, it did turn me on. What about you?’

‘Umm. I think I liked the attention.’

‘You mean, the attention that you got from Boyd.’


‘Can I ask you something?’ Tom asked


‘Did you get more turned on that Boyd was hard seeing you in that top or did you get more turned on when you knew Boyd was having sex with someone but was thinking of you last night?’

Anna threw a spaghetti at him in mock anger.

My neighbour adores my wife! Part 5

That night, Tom asked, ‘Anna, tell me what did Karen say about Boyd?’

Anna was applying some cream on her hands and getting ready to go to bed. She eyed Tom and said, ‘Ahh okay! Well, I think they met at a bar.’

Tom chuckled, ‘How stereotypical.’

‘I know. But, well, you know, Karen has a boyfriend.’

‘Apart from Boyd?’

‘Well, Boyd is not exactly her boyfriend. She just meets him every 2-3 months for a weekend of sex.’

Tom cocked his eyebrows. Anna shrugged and said, ‘Well, Karen says Boyd is the best she had had. Boyd apparently is horny, can screw for hours and is well-endowed.’

Tom chuckled, ‘And my puritan wife is friends with her? How are you so nice about her?’

‘Well, she said she doesn’t want to settle now. She has a point, you know. Another year or two, she said she will play the field, be the slut, and then be a good wife and mother. Sounds fair?’

Tom said, ‘Am I getting a hint of regret?’

Anna said, ‘Not regret. But the way she put it, it’s no big fucking deal.’

My neighbour adores my wife! Part 3

‘Wow, you guys are thick friends, now.’ Anna exclaimed over dinner.

‘Nothing like that. I just think he has taken a fancy towards you.’

‘What? Did he say something?’

‘No. He starts off his conversation by asking about you.’ Tom felt a little bold. ‘And he thinks you are beautiful.’

‘Isn’t he married?’

‘No, he is single. At least that’s what he says.’

‘So, he’s being a perv.’

‘I don’t know. Maybe. I am sure he slept around for a fair bit. And now, he wants to settle.’

Anna shrugged, ‘Should we even go to that party? I don’t want to be leered at.’

Tom thought, ‘Well, might be fun. Let’s see how good he flirts.’

Anna chuckled, ‘Ahh. You are my husband. You shouldn’t encourage such stuff.’

Tom laughed, ‘And you are my wife. Don’t I have you forever?’

‘Yes, you do.’

‘So, I see it more as an amusement.’

Anna winked, ‘And what about Daniel, my colleague? You thought I had an affair with him just because I went to dinner with him. And do you remember how you puffed and obsessed and fought with me?’

My neighbour adores my wife!

Tom was lounging in his living room fiddling on his phone when the doorbell rang. Tom looked up at the clock. It was 8 pm. Too early for Anna to come home yet from her party. He strode along to open the door as he wondered who it might be.

Tom opened the door to find a slightly older guy standing with a smile and a whiskey bottle in his hand. He said, ‘Hey, I am Boyd. I am living in the flat opposite you. So, I guess I am your neighbour’ as he gestured towards his own flat.

Tom looked at him with a sheepish smile. He did see him a couple of times or more in passing. A slightly older guy, perhaps in his late 40s or early 50s. He had a salt-and-pepper goatee. He had the same kind of hair too, more black than white. But his eyes and his smile belied his age. It had a kind of ferocity, not mellowed by age but genial nevertheless. Tom sheepishly smiled and said, ‘Oh yes. Hey, I am Tom’ and he extended his hand.

A dad, a mom and their daughter’s friends!

Joe yawned lazily as he got up from bed. Looking outside the bedroom window, he turned back to his wife, Debbie, who was half-asleep, half-awake on bed fiddling with her phone, and said,” You know, we should go to our outskirt home this weekend. I am tired literally exhausted from working incessantly for the last 1 year.”

Debbie looked at her husband and said, “Yeah! I was thinking about the same thing. We can go away this weekend. We leave on Saturday morning and we get back by Sunday evening. It will do both of us good.”

Joe looked out disdainfully at the busy street with endless cars plying and he said, “I was thinking more of an extended break. I want to switch off for 3-4 days at least. You know, soak in some nature.”

“It’s easy for you. You own the company. Not so much for poor employees like us.” Debbie gave a wry chuckle.

“Ahh! Come on. You can take some extra days off. Come on, it’s been such a long time we have gone out together. Vacations make you horny. And it’s been so long that I have seen you horny.”

Looking In – Part 2

[*Part – 1*]( *: If anyone is interested, you can read the Part 1 here. Have made some changes to the 1st part while I couldn’t edit the name of the story. Apologies for the same. Kindly share your comments.*

Max was disturbed the next few days. He kept thinking about whether his mom will really go along with her plan of sleeping with any of his friends. Imagining that one of his friends will suck her mother’s boobs and lick her pussy through the night – he was burning with jealousy, excitement and embarrassment. But, his hand would automatically go into his shorts and he would cum hard thinking of how his mom would come to him the next day with bite marks all over her that came from his friend. But as soon as he came, he thought of the life-long embarrassment. How will he still be friends with him, what if the entire college talks about it? He decided to talk to his mother about it.

Julie had just come out of her bath and she was wearing a long tee and nothing else. Max said, ‘Mom, you remember what we discussed?’

A not-so-innocent birthday

Max lived with his mom. His dad left them when he was nine and well, he was not a very nice guy. Max’s mom, Julie had her own job and they lived comfortably enough. He always thought his mom was hot. She was pretty, had golden hair and had the best boobs in the world. Soft, cushy yet firm – Max fixated on them.

Actually, one day, when he was fourteen or so, he got up to some sounds coming from his mom’s bedroom. He tiptoed to the room and heard voices coming from beyond the door. It was his mom’s voice and there was a guy’s voice too. Max peeped through the keyhole and what little he could make of was his mom didn’t have any clothes on and she was giggling and a guy was touching her. He stood there hearing his mom moan, trying to peep hard. That was the first time he remembered he had an erection.

The next year, as puberty hit him, he knew what was going on. He had seen porn with his friends. Yet, strangely the first time he masturbated after that; he wasn’t thinking of the porn. He thought of his mom and the guy.