[m]y MIL had me [f]I’ll her up pt 2

Here is part 1 from this story

31[m]y mother in law had me 57[f]ill her up from gonewildstories

As my mother in law is rubbing her ass on my dick I slide my hands around and start teasing her nipples. I’m squeezing them and pulling on as she’s giving off soft moans and flips herself around to face me. I start grabbing her ass as we make out like high schoolers. After a bit of this she pushes my head down and I pull her legs up as I’m staring right at her pussy.

I dig my tongue right onto her clit while I’m sliding two fingers in and out of her pussy. Her hands are pushing my head down as her moans get louder and louder. My cum is leaking out of her and I’m getting a little taste of it but she won’t let me up as I can feel her getting close to cum. After another ten seconds her legs stiffen up and start shaking as she just shouts “oh fuck yes that felt so good” I just got my wife’s mom off for her first time in years.

31[m]y mother in law had me 57[f]ill her up

One day while my wife was at work her mom came by to drop some stuff off that we left st the house. Of course my oldest daughter got extremely excited and would let her leave so my MIL stayed over to out her down for bed. As I’m now putting my youngest daughter down she ends up throwing up on me. I just take my shirt off and finish getting her to sleep as somehow none got on her.

As I walk out of the room so is my MIL and at this point i realize it’s a bigger mess than I thought “oh no honey that’s terrible. Go take a shower I’ll throw your clothes in the wash” she says to me. As I’m handing her my shorts I catch her eyes checking me out and this gets the blood flowing a little bit

(Now my wife’s mother you can tell was a very beautiful lady in her hay day. Now in her mid 50 she has aged a bit but is still very beautiful. Add in her curves and fake tits to keep her boobs perky she has always been easy on the eyes)

Nap time had [m]e shooting loads down her throat [f]

One of my wife’s best friend from college lives a few states away so she randomly will buy tickets and fly out. Especially when her new fling of the season breaks up with her. Now this is why I’m on the way to the airport to pick her up at 6 am. I don’t mind. She’s a little ln the bigger side but has lost some weight over the years. Plus she is cute as hell and is always a great conversation. Except this drive was a little more awkward. (If you’ve read my stories you know my wife has had some problems getting wet so it’s not enjoyable for her. But she loves taking care of me. That’s why before I left she said “Audrey and I have talked. Whatever happens I’m allowing you to let happen” that threw me for a loop.) the sexual tension on this drive was high. I haven’t had sex in months. Audrey hasn’t gotten off in months. And we both know what is gonna happen on this trip.

[m]y wife told me to go over to her[f] house

Not often do I get a weekend to myself but it finally came. The wife went out of town and I planned on doing what most men would do. Watch football smoke a lot of weed and watch a lot of porn. That is until my wife called me
“I completely forgot I told jazmine you would help her hang shelves”
That’s her best friend. She helps us alot so fine I’ll go. I call jazmine and tell her I’m on the way and whatnot

Now jazmine has some health issues so her body weight is constantly fluctuating. When she is skinny she is basically skin and bones. When she adds the weight though.. omg. She has curves like no other.

I knock on her door and she answers in her booth shorts and sorority T-shirt. She has her plump face with brown eyes behind her glasses. Her tan skin glowing in the entry light and brunette hair up in a bun. She welcomes me in and turns to walk away with her perfect bubbly butt bouncing with each step. I followed it all down the hall.

SIL ca[m]e back for more

As I walk into the house after work I hear two voices coming from the living room and it’s my wife and her sister. Wine glasses in hand and a charcuterie board on the table. “Oh hey babe! It’s bachelor night so get comfortable.” Of course it’s Tuesday. Not a fan of the show but oh well.

I shower and get my dinner and sit down with them in the living room. All of a sudden they’re two bottles down. I’m not much of a drinker so I’m just take a few hits of the bong here and there. My wife says to her sister

W-“didn’t you want to get high too”
S-“yeah but the bong scares me”
W-“ I’d shotgun it for you but I don’t like being cross faded. Babe shotgun it for her”
Uhh okay. I take a hit and lean over to my SIL and blow it into her mouth. She giggles and says “I didn’t get much. Do it again.”
This time i take a pretty fatty rip and lean over to her again.

The slutty best friend [mf]

So my wife has a best friend who has her fun on the weekends. I see her every so often but when I do she ends up staying with us a few nights. She’s about 5’2 with tan skin brunette hair glasses these perfect c cups and a tight plump ass that she loves showing off.

I get home from work after a long 13 hour day and my wife is knocked out in bed but left dinner made for me. I shower And then sit down to eat and her friend “Lexi” we will call her is sitting on the couch scrolling her phone. I turn the tv on and we start talking about our days and whatnot.

Fucking [m]y wifes sister rejuvenated my wife

Since having our first kid it just hasn’t been there for my wife. We’ve tried plenty of times and she just isn’t able to get into it which has dried up our sex life. Her side of the family decided to take a week vacation. Hours before we got on the flight her sisters husband got called into work (dr on call) he’s constantly working which dried up their sex life as well. First few nights nothing out of the ordinary. Wife and I try but she just isn’t into it no matter what we try. Next day we are out on the lake all day so we get back and everyone crashes early except us three. (Our first date we were talking about what we are into I tell her red hair/blue eyes. First thing she says you can never meet my sister)