A short tale of two letters. [MFF]

Throwaway because reasons. Came here to share a story of the first affair I've ever had. Well sort of affair, anyway, the story itself is in my opinion worth telling, also maybe I want to gloat a little as I really didn't have a chance to tell anyone before. Buckle up. First some background info.

I studied abroad and upon my last year graduation I came back to my home town, found a job, started doing postgrad degree and also got my own place, however small it was. As I lived fairly close to my parents place I would visit quite regualrly mostly to do my laundry. During one of those visit I bumped into an old friend, let's call her M. with whom I used to hang out during highschool, mostly on parties. We even fooled around a bit one of those times but it was always very casual.

She was visiting a friend of hers nearby. We decided we should catch up and agreed to meet later in the local pub. Afterwards however, she texted me asking if said friend could tagalong. I said sure and as the story unveiled her friend turned out to be a very attractive girl, my age, who was staying in town in her boyfriends place, which she was doing quite regularly.