Days at the nudist Spa [MF]

I travel around Europe for work a lot and one of the big bonuses is getting to visit the hotel spas’. It took a lot of getting used to in the beginning but now it is one of the highlights of my trips. The local cultures are used to spending an afternoon in a spa, completely naked, but the tourists in the hotels are often exposed to it for the first time and that just makes the experience even more fun.

Over the years there are a few memories that really stick out so I thought I would describe some of them:

The first was in a large hotel in Central Europe a few years ago, the spa was empty so I was just enjoying sometime in the sauna, followed by a cooling off shower in the common area and figures I would give the steam room ago. As is usual I left my towel hanging outside, entered into the bright but small, 8ft x 4 ft steamroom. There were 4 seats down each side of the room with a glass door leading back to the common area.

A co-worker encounter with an audience [MF]

A decent number of years ago I worked in a company full of 20 somethings who liked nothing more than the party lifestyle. This led to a number of different exciting encounters that still turn me on today.

A few months after I started there, the boss decided to organise a weekend away summer trip for all the staff. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the office in the couple of weeks leading up to it. I was 29 at the time and quite senior so was gifted a room of my own in the hotel destination with most others having to share.

Everyone made their way to the hotel on the week in question, slowly gathering 1 by 1 in the hotel bar, just laughing and flirting and slowly opening up to each other. Once everyone arrived and checked in we settled down to a pre-arranged group dinner in the hotel which eventually moved back to the bar with the group in a much more inebriated state. Unfortunately, I seemed to be caught talking with the boss most of the evening and only managed to circulate late on when it felt like I was well behind the momentum of the evening. Not one to give up I got stuck in and was well on the way to catching up a couple of hours later. There were 2 girls from work I had been getting on very well with, Anna and Jessica, and we found ourselves corralled in a corner chatting away really enjoying each others company.

Dinner in the Dark – caught [MF]

A number of years ago, after a first encounter with Kara (25 at the time), she asked me (38 at the time) to join her in a new restaurant in town. But a dinner with a difference. The restaurant is pitch dark so that the patrons focus on the food and wine and not their other senses. Always one for a new experience It thought why not.

That evening Kara met me outside, looking just as stunning as the first time we met. She was dressed in a thin summer dress that really accentuated her very large, sumptuous breasts, which she proceeded to press firmly against my chest as she stepped up onto her toes to hug me. As we were a little late we rushed in and up the stairs to the entrance. A great opportunity for me to admire her smooth bare chocolate legs. A pity I wouldn’t be able to admire her stunning body and sparkling eyes over dinner.