Adventure at middle age and expansion of my sexual horizons [FF]

This week has been a whirlwind and my head is in the clouds right now. I have a lot I’m processing in my brain. I’ve read other’s stories on here before and felt sharing the sexiness happening in my life was the best way to clear my brain. Although to be honest, I’m not sure how much I really want it cleared as I’m quite enjoying the rush.

First some background. I am 41 years old and married with 3 kids. I am the typical busy stay at home mom, shuttling kids around every day and keeping things running on the home front. My husband and I have been married for a long time. We have a wonderful relationship. It isn’t without it’s ups and downs, but when I compare it to others I know, especially those who have struggled during pandemic, I feel pretty fortunate to have a loving husband that is also a partner in crime.

[FF] A bright spot in the midst of quarantine stress and sadness

I know nobody likes a downer and I feel like I don’t have a right to complain, but quarantine has been really hard. I know it’s been hard for everyone I don’t have a right to complain when there are people getting sick and even dying, but I can only go off of my own experiences.

I am a mother in her early 40s. I have two early teenage kids who have been doing school from home ever since March of last year. My husband works in health care and has been one of the few people who still has to travel during quarantine and his travel schedule has only gotten worse due to the nature of his job. I’m a stay at home mom, and being shut in has done no favors for our marriage. I acknowledge a big part of it is his travel schedule just hasn’t allowed us to spend time together, but I also feel like I’ve become somewhat invisible to him. He doesn’t go out of his way to listen to me or do anything sweet, and I think we are both just living separate lives right now where he does his thing and I do mine here at home.