[MFF] Last night, I [20F] had sex for the second time in my life – a couple I know [23M, 24?F] invited me over, and I had a threesome with them (Continued, the middle part!)

Oh boy, here I am again. People seemed to enjoy “part 1”. And it made me feel kinda hot having people read about it. Wish I got around more so I could share more stories!

I was sprawled lying back on their *really comfy* couch, naked, with a gorgeous girl eating me out. It’s like she had been practising on a clone of me, I was going crazy. Usually I’d have trouble cumming so quickly but slow, deep waves of pleasure just kept pushing through my body. I couldn’t focus on a single thought for more than a few moments before another one hit, before I shuddered again and let out a deep, begging moan for more. All the while, her partner was taking her from behind, pushing her face into me with every thrust. There was a moment where he made eye contact with me – he looked so *dominant*. They’d both been so caring, careful and considerate with me but in that moment it all felt so primal.

[MFF] Last night, I [20F] had sex for the second time in my life – a couple I know [23M, 24?F] invited me over, and I had a threesome with them

*Just a note, i wrote this up yesterday to post but the sub didn’t like my throwaway being new so this is a clean copy/paste from then*

I’m kind of freaking out about it still. Writing this from my phone, still in their bed, they’re currently showering together.

I’ll try and keep it brief, but I will probably fail – if I don’t write this out now I might chicken out. And, a couple friends know my username *so I kinda had to make a throwaway sorry*.

Last night started really pleasantly. I got invited to this couple’s house for dinner – I’ve been chatting to the guy for a couple weeks now, just friendly stuff, nothing amazingly flirty. The meal is small and we finish pretty quickly, we’re each a couple glasses of wine down, and sitting around the large L-couch now. She asked me about me being Bicurious, which I just took as a conversation topic, so I casually mentioned how I’m attracted to most people. He asked me if I have a preferred “side” – nope, just happy to go with it.