Reflecting on the time I [F] 20, flashed my boyfriend’s friends in college

This is just a short memory and not a crazy story that I’m only recently reflecting on. Back in college I wanted to get my nipples pierced and when I brought it up to my boyfriend at the time he was so excited about it that he offered to pay for it. So he came with me and I got them pierced.

A month or so later was our school’s spring break and we rented out a vacation house on the beach for a few days with a group of my boyfriend’s friends/ our friend group. One my boyfriend’s friends (let’s say Kyle) who was a year younger than me knew about my nipple piercings and wasn’t really shy / didn’t have any shame and basically begged me to show him. I honestly didn’t really care and so I called over to my bf across the kitchen and asked if I could show Kyle. He said something along the lines of “sure, I don’t care!” He was very chill lol.

So yeah I just flashed my boobs and let Kyle gawk at them for like 5 seconds. Meanwhile his other friend “Jake” definitely overheard the conversation and basically fast walked to the room Kyle and I were in and got a full peak too. He was definitely blushing and smiling.

The time I fucked my ex’s best friend [MF]

SKIP TO ——————————— for the sex stuff but honestly I always feel like the back story makes the sex part better. And I apologize because this story is kind of long.

So to preface this, I will say I feel bad and understand it sounds bad. But tbh, my ex was a dick to me the entire last year of our relationship and then after 2 years together he got on tinder within a month after the break up and met a new girl and got in a relationship with her soon after that. And we never really spoke again. I don’t have those intense “I’ll always love and care about him feelings”. Like I said, he was super possessive, insecure, jealous and just mean and emotionally abusive. He definitely took his own internal struggles out on me. He said mean things to me a lot. So yeah I’m starting it that way so I can feel less bad about what happened between me and one of his good friends…

[MF] Finally getting fucked by my professor during my last months in college.

Hi all,
I’ve gone on the reddit website for awhile just to read NSFW stories to help me get off lol. I finally made myself an account a month ago or so and now I feel ready to post about the one time something crazy happened to me. It’s pretty long and I apologize, but the hopeless romantic in me likes to go through the details and not just the dirty stuff lol. Anyways……

It was a little less than a year ago when I was finishing up my undergrad degree at a college in Arizona. I kept a detailed journal I would write in so I wouldn’t forget my many memories made. But I made sure to keep this story extra detailed for myself. I majored in Bio-Chem and was fairly good at it. (Okay, I was really good at it but that’s beside the point). All throughout my four years I took about a total of 6 classes with one of my favorite professors. Michael Carr. Professor Carr, I should say.