that time I came twice while getting oral, had a nice fuck and let him come onto my boobs [FM]…

The memory of a night that is still quite vivid in my mind, so maybe you can have your fun with it, too.

I’ve known him for a while. We have some friends in common, that’s how I got to meet him. We’ve had on and off contact since March, mostly communicating over texting and occasional calls, as we live in different cities. We enjoy talking, we have a similar kind of humour and I like the way he looks at the world. Apart from that, we have spent some fun nights together on the few occasions when we met, so there is some chemistry, may it be friendship or something more, it doesn’t really matter here.

For the record: I am 24 (looking much younger though), 5.4ft, dark blonde long hair. I’m slender, so no huge tits, but nice shape and I’ve been told that I got a nice ass. I made a trip in the beginning of June to the city where he lives because I had a job interview there, so naturally, he invited me to stay at his place for a few days. He went to work during the day, so I could focus on the interview, do some sport and visit other friends I have in that area while he was gone. In the afternoon he’d come back, cook for me (I offered my help, but he said he enjoys cooking, especially if it is for someone else), so I’d just hang around and have some wine or beer while he’d prepare the food, listening to music together and talking random stuff.

making him come in the shower [FM]

Jake and I hadn’t properly spoken in years, but a few months ago, on a New Year’s party, we remet and got along pretty well. After that we stayed in touch, texted a bit here and there and eventually, in the beginning of March, I went to visit the city where he studied and stayed 3 nights at his place; 3 pretty hot nights.

Since then, we spoke on a daily basis. We texted, I wrote a few stories, he wrote me what he wanted to do to me and we started sending pictures. Soon, we began to talk via skype or the phone. Altogether, I’d say we kept things pretty heated up.

Few weeks later, he moved and I went to see him in his new place. He lived in a shared flat before, now he has a nice appartment just for himself – which of course needed to be properly deflowered.

Quickly about us: He is 6.3, handball player, athletic, 23 years old… Seems much older than he actually is when you first meet him. Altogether quite nice to look at I must say. I am 5.4, a year older than him, slender, dark blonde hair down to my waist.

Breaking in the new couch [FM]

This story happened on the first weekend of April. We knew each other from back in high school, hadn’t spoken properly in years but then ran into each other on a New Years party in our hometown and kept in touch. As I was curious about what this could lead to, I decided to pay him a visit in the city where he studied, 500km from where I live. This was in the beginning of March. We had an intense weekend and after that, -to the suprise of all- things took off. We texted on a daily basis and two weeks in, we started skyping every few days.

The sexual memories were still very vivid in our minds, so we kept sending pictures, some more some less revealing, and teased each other about how it had been being close and touching each other. I wrote down some of our sexual encounters, he got the links to read them.

We reached a point where the longing wasn’t fun anymore, so after four weeks being apart I went to see him again. By then he had moved, to another city, into a flat where he lived all by himself… and of course that needed to be celebrated.

what getting turned on feels like (at least for me[F])[M]

The memories of that weekend still haven’t let go of me… so I kept writing them down.

this is how we got here in the first place: [](

I was still at my ex boyfriend’s place, first round of fucking done (see Pt. I) and we had fallen asleep afterwards. Problem is, I tend to have a very light sleep when I am not alone in bed, so at some point a car driving by outside the window made me wake up in the middle of the night, probably around 3am.

I couldn’t get back to sleep and having him lying next to me naked didn’t really help me to relax. I don’t know what woke him up, maybe he just felt me not sleeping, but at some point I turned over, faced him and I found myself staring into his open, glistening eyes looking back at me. I immediately got a bit breathless, realising who I had in front of me and what had happened between us just a few hours ago. We didn’t speak, just lied there watching each other for probably not even a minute, but it felt much longer (normally I am the one seeking eye contact and have people looking away at some point, but he had me losing almost every “stare battle” that weekend, I don’t know, maybe he was just too intense for me).

[FM] The one when I went to visit my ex again after a few years

hey guys, after enjoying your stories for a while now, I thought I’d repay you with a story of mine. have fun!

so this happened only a few weeks ago. I’ll spare you the details of the backstory, so here is a quick overview:

this guy and me had something going on back in high school. After graduating, we moved to different cities to study. It didn’t really end well between us and we’ve had ongoing drama for the last 4 years (we share the same friends in our hometown, so we can’t really get away from each other). In this time, we both had our fair share of meeting other people and it looked like we’d never get along again.

So this winter, when we both went back to our hometown for the holidays, it was different. We’ve both grown a lot and it was the first time in forever we had a really good conversation. The thought of that still haunted me afterwards, so I thought what the hell, I was gonna travel to see a friend anyway that lives close to where he lives now, I’m just gonna go visit him, too.