[Str8] [Fantasy] [Celeb] [Swing] [Fantasy] My first wet dream at the age of 25.. All of what I can remember from it..

Not sure if it this is the right sub or not but I wanted to post it somewhere as it took me a while to write it all out.

My first wet dream at the age of 25.. The interesting dream..

So I go to sleep like I normally do holding my fiance. Yes I do have a women in my life so I thought it was odd that I got a wet dream. Though this being my first I guess I don't know a whole lot about wet dreams lol. Anyways I fall asleep and well I start dreaming. I "wake up" in this world where I am in a rather big house which was as big as a mansion but I only saw 2 rooms. 1 lead to the bedroom from the rather large walkway the other lead to a kitchen with a small table and a backyard door. Hardly a mansion from that description however that first walkway way was majestic. (This is from what I can remember one of my most vivid dreams)