[FM] I had a thing for my priest and made it a goal to seduce him. Succeeded.

They say all Catholic girls are sluts, guess it’s true. My parish had younger priest who was a fox! I’m not a good Catholic, but surely attended his masses!

I made it a goal to get him to break, and fuck me. It took some meticulous attention and planning on my part. Not in any weird stalker way, but starting subtle and working into more erotic conversations eventually worked.

I’m gonna assume he hasn’t been living up to his chastity vow, because holy hell could he lay pipe. He made me cum multiple times before finishing on my face.

A part of me knows it’s wrong, and that made it all the better. Still ambivalent on if way a fast track ticket to hell. NGL, even if it is- worth it.

The only remorse I have is the taboo nature. But hey- better they fuck grown women than little boys eh?