[MF] I Decided To Give It A Shot

Hey all,

For basically my entire adult life I have noticed that one particular demographic has given me a lot of attention when I am out. For whatever reason I get looked up and down by middle aged black women (I’m white, blonde hair, blue eyes, by the way). I have noticed it a lot over the years. Just quick up and downs, but I’ve actually had a few people make mild comments to me as I walk by.

I never gave this much thought, but it sort of dawned on me in a split second that I don’t have anything to lose from going with the situation next time. Last week I was in Target just grabbing a few things when I noticed a woman giving me a few looks. We made eye contact and I smiled, she smiled, but was obviously a little embarrassed and looked away. My heart rate was up a little, but I decided to just go for it. As I walked by I said hi and introduced myself. I could tell she was very surprised that I said something. I was just completely honest about it. I mentioned we had made a little eye contact, and while I didn’t know what her situation was, if she would ever be interested in getting to know each other she could have my number. It all happened really fast, but she put my number in her phone and left.

[MM] Straight Guy’s First Experiment

I was 20 in my Sophomore year of college. We had one of those setups with a bunch of shower heads in a room that had curtains that could cover all three sides so you could have some privacy. It was during Thanksgiving break, and I was one of the only people in my dorm since almost everyone was back home. I had a job that didn’t give enough time off, and having gone to school across the country from home, I had the place to myself mostly. I’ve always preferred masturbating in the shower, and decided to take advantage and went down to the shower room with a little bottle of lube to get off.

I was just getting started, when I realized someone else had come in. I got that twinge in my stomach, because I realized I might have been making a little noise. I also knew I maybe hadn’t done an amazing job with closing the curtains well. The stranger then did something that I was confused by. They took the shower head right next to mine, out of probably 10 showers.