Qwyn the Mage II [MM+][MC][Fantasy]

Qwyn yawned wide as he stretched in his seat in the academy cafeteria. For some reason he’d been feeling exhausted lately. He’d been dozing during his lessons and seemed to wake up only more sore and tired than before. Maybe it was a mistake to agree to Headmaster Alvada’s insistence to increase his lessons to three days a week. But he couldn’t do that, he knew how fortunate he was to receive so much private tutoring from the headmaster.

Beside Qwyn, Veer mimicked his yawn. Veer was Qwyn’s best friend and the only other student in the entire school to also be receiving private tutoring from the headmaster. He was everything Qwyn wasn’t, tall, lithe, and graceful where Qwyn was short, plump, and clumsy. Granted Veer was an elf so it was natural that he would have the grace and beauty that all his kind did but that didn’t make Qwyn feel much better. Veer had short dark hair and lightly tanned skin where Qwyn was pale with a smattering of freckles a mop of mousy brown hair. The only thing they had in common was looking younger than they were. Both were adults but Qwyn’s short stature made him still look like a freshman and Veer’s race would make him look barely twenty years old for the next couple centuries.

Qwyn the Mage [MM][MC][Fantasy]

Qwyn’s legs burned with every step up the stone stairs. What was it with wizards and towers anyway? You’d think the headmaster of The Academy of the Arcane would want to have his quarters on the ground floor where teachers and students can reach him easily, but no. No, Headmaster Alvada had to have his chambers at the top of the tallest tower of the sprawling academy. Still, Qwyn supposed that if he could teleport everywhere like the headmaster, he wouldn’t care much about stairs either.

Qwyn supposed he shouldn’t complain, after all how many students get offered personal lessons from the headmaster himself? He hoped they would get around to teleportation soon though. Qwyn spent all of free time bent over books and wasn’t the most fit student. Plus, he was naturally short. Most people thought he was younger than he was. He was a senior at the academy but everyone that didn’t know him assumed he was a freshman.

Reder the Rogue III [MM][DS][Fantasy]

Reder had only a few hours of rest after his abuse in the bath to come up with his plan. He had been brought back to Lord Harrod’s bed chamber after cleaning up and been relocked to the ceiling. Eight days of being abused by the fat lord he had tried to steal from had almost broken him and now that it seemed his guards were planning to take turns with him too. Reder had to escape now or he was going to go insane.

The first thing he needed was to get the key to his collar. His chain was locked in two places, the ceiling and around his neck. There was only one key and Lord Harrod gave it to the guard to unlock him to be bathed but then he would give it back to the lord immediately. At all other times, it hung from around the fat lord’s neck. The only problem was that he would hang it on a rack, next to his robe, whenever he decided to use Reder’s body.

Reder the Rogue II [M+M][NC][BD][Fantasy]

The sound of loud slapping filled the bedchamber as Lord Harrod’s hips smacked against the backside of his prisoner. It had been eight days since Reder’s capture. Eight torturous days and nights of being used by the fat lord as his personal play thing. Despite being an obese human of middle age, Lord Harrod seemed to have issues with drive or stamina. Multiple times a day he would use Reder’s body until he filled the thief with his foul seed. For days Reder had struggled and tried everything he could imagine to escape, or at least to fight off the lord but he was slim and weak. There was no way he could force the lord off of him and even if he could, he would still have to escape Harrod’s manor. That’s how he had been stopped last time when he had sought to rob the lord blind, a guard had struck him unconscious with a hard blow to the back of his head. He had been so close, and now he was a slave.

Reder laid on his side at the edge of Lord Harrod’s large bed as the man stood and pistoned his thick shaft into the Tiefling’s ass.

Reder the Rogue [MM][NC][BD][Fantasy]

Reder felt like a fool as he walked down the cobbled street on shaky legs. He should have practiced walking in heels before tonight. If anything was going to give him away, it would be falling flat on his face. But, as he stumbled, he had to support more of his weight on his companion. He clung to the fat noble’s arm and giggled like the vapid, silly whore he was pretending to be as he wobbled.

Lord Harrod was a man of vice. Gluttony, obviously. But, the sins Reder cared about were lust and greed as the rogue could abuse the first to get at the second. Lord Harrod wore his exuberant wealth. He was dressed in a gown of the finest died silks. He wore gold and gem covered jewelry on his neck, wrists, and every finger. The only thing the fat noble liked more than lauding his wealth over others was spending his evenings drinking and whoring. That’s where Reder came in. He knew the noble had a particular taste for Tieflings.