Part 1:
Emily and I were jolted suddenly awake by my phone slamming on the floor. Apparently it had vibrated itself off the nightstand while ringing. I sat bolt upright, one arm around Emily and my body covering hers from the entrance, my other hand instinctively clenched in a fist and my eyes locked on the door.
Briefly panicked I realised it was just my phone, I climbed out of bed to pick it up from the floor, and sat back down next to Emily. She smiled at me and said hoarsely “you’re so overprotective”. I grinned back at her before checking my phone, it was work.
“Why the fuck are they ringing me on my day off” I grumbled, Emily suddenly stirred fully awake, obviously not wanting me to be called in today. After a few minutes of conversation on the phone I discovered that work was calling me in, but, in return for a 12 hour shift today, I would get Christmas day off (I’m a chef by trade, and my work is open 365 days a year).