Eric stared at the time on his computer screen, counting down the hours until he could go home. As his boss approached the cubicle, Eric smiled weakly and opened up his email for the one hundredth time that day, so as to look busy.
“Eric… I’m going to need you to stay late this evening again. I’m sending an email with the details.”
Eric agreed politely and waited for his email. When it finally came through, he eagerly looked through the recipients to see who would be working with him tonight. He was used to working with John and got along pretty well with him, but his stomach tightened with excitement when he saw the next name. *Alice*. As much as he wanted to go home, it certainly didn’t hurt to have the sexiest woman in the office as his partner on the next project.
Just then, an instant message appeared from Alice.
“Ordering from the deli next door for dinner. You in?”